November 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Nov 1 07:14:54 BST 2005
Ending: Wed Nov 30 23:05:57 BST 2005
Messages: 355
- Ubuntu gains DB2 certification
Erik Bågfors
- multimedia software
Carlos Perelló Marín
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
David Allouche
- Dragon!
Olafur Arason
- The OSDL survey, look at who is on top
Olafur Arason
- Redhat and Adobe survey
Olafur Arason
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Jorge Bernal
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Jorge Bernal
- Another success story
Jorge Bernal
- Breezy CD's
Marius Bock
- multimedia software
Marius Bock
- Sec: Unclassified - Pitch Ubuntu at $100 wind up laptop?
Marius Bock
- look at this funny post from mplayer-user list
Marius Bock
- Shipit distibution schedule?
Hein-Pieter van Braam
- look at this funny post from mplayer-user list
Hein-Pieter van Braam
- multimedia software
Hein-Pieter van Braam
- Ubuntu Failure Story
Hein-Pieter van Braam
- mini-pc
Derek Broughton
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Derek Broughton
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Derek Broughton
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Derek Broughton
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Derek Broughton
- restricted installed by default (was Re: Recent Security
vulnerability in Skype)
Derek Broughton
- restricted installed by default (was Re: Recent
Security vulnerability in Skype)
Derek Broughton
- restricted installed by default (was Re:
Recent Security vulnerability in Skype)
Derek Broughton
- Why I won't be using Breezy *gasp*
Derek Broughton
- Why I won't be using Breezy *gasp*
Derek Broughton
- Newsforge article: "Catching up with recipients of free Linux
Derek Broughton
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Derek Broughton
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Derek Broughton
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Derek Broughton
- Ubuntu In The News
Derek Broughton
- multimedia software
Derek Broughton
- multimedia software
Derek Broughton
- multimedia software
Derek Broughton
- multimedia software
Derek Broughton
- multimedia software
Derek Broughton
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Derek Broughton
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Derek Broughton
- restricted installed by default (was Re: Recent Security
vulnerability in Skype)
Corey Burger
- Ubuntu on the business desktop
Corey Burger
- Sec: Unclassified - ControlAula
Corey Burger
- Sec: Unclassified - ControlAula
Corey Burger
- ZDnet: Open standards push Mannheim to Linux
Corey Burger
- My Story or How I Stopped Worrying And Got Rid Of Ubuntu!
Jonathan Carter
- [Fwd: hello and perhaps some help]
Jonathan Carter
- Ubuntu best office desktop distribution
Jonathan Carter
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Jonathan Carter
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
- Why I won't be using Breezy
- Ubuntu at the Internet cafe
- Ubuntu at the Internet cafe
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too much"
from Ubuntu?
Rohan Dhruva
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Rohan Dhruva
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Rohan Dhruva
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Rohan Dhruva
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Rohan Dhruva
- mini-pc
Eric Dunbar
- Why I won't be using Breezy
Eric Dunbar
- Mark Shuttleworth in Tunis next week during WSIS
Eric Dunbar
- Newsforge article: "Catching up with recipients of free Linux
Eric Dunbar
- Newsforge article: "Catching up with recipients of free Linux
Eric Dunbar
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
Matthew East
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Matthew East
- Apple attempts 'Rosetta' trademark
Matthew East
- Mark Shuttleworth in Tunis next week during WSIS
Matthew East
- Ubuntu In The News
Matthew East
- multimedia software
Matthew East
- multimedia software
Matthew East
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too
much" from Ubuntu?
Matthew East
- Ufficio Zero 0.6 Screenshot Tour
Matthew East
- gnubuntu (was Re: Recent Security vulnerability in Skype)
Matthew East
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Matthew East
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Matthew East
- Ubuntu Failure Story
Matthew East
- look at this funny post from mplayer-user list
Hodgins Family
- My Story or How I Stopped Worrying And Got Rid Of Ubuntu!
Eric Feliksik
- member
Eric Feliksik
- Positive Review by eWeek
Ed Fletcher
- multimedia software
Matthew Franz
- Playing with the big players :-)
Matt Galvin
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Matthew Garrett
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Matthew Garrett
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Matthew Garrett
- restricted installed by default (was Re: Recent Security
vulnerability in Skype)
Matthew Garrett
- [Fwd: Re: A Happy Blogger :-)]
Matthew Garrett
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too much"
from Ubuntu?
Matthew Garrett
- multimedia software
Matthew Garrett
- hello and perhaps some help
Peter Garrett
- multimedia software
Peter Garrett
- Sec: Unclassified - ControlAula
Peter Garrett
- Dragon!
Peter Garrett
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Quim Gil
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Quim Gil
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
Jerome Gotangco
- Ubuntu Roadshow in Indonesia
Jerome Gotangco
- Presentation material
Jerome Gotangco
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Jerome Gotangco
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Jerome Gotangco
- Why I won't be using Breezy
Etienne Goyer
- multimedia software
Etienne Goyer
- multimedia software
Etienne Goyer
- Playing with the big players :-)
Sivan Green
- A Happy Blogger :-)
Sivan Green
- [Fwd: Re: A Happy Blogger :-)]
- multimedia software
- multimedia software
- gnubuntu (was Re: Recent Security vulnerability in Skype)
- Ubuntu Failure Story
- My Story or How I Stopped Worrying And Got Rid Of Ubuntu!
David Hart
- Shipit distibution schedule?
Bob Hemus
- shipit schedule
Bob Hemus
- Apple attempts 'Rosetta' trademark
Benj. Mako Hill
- Newsforge article: "Catching up with recipients of free Linux
Benj. Mako Hill
- multimedia software
Benj. Mako Hill
- multimedia software
Benj. Mako Hill
- Sec: Unclassified - Pitch Ubuntu at $100 wind up laptop?
Benj. Mako Hill
- Sec: Unclassified - Pitch Ubuntu at $100 wind up laptop?
Benj. Mako Hill
- Newsforge article: "Catching up with recipients of free Linux
Benj. Mako Hill
- German Ubuntu Openbook
Daniel Holbach
- German Ubuntu Openbook
Daniel Holbach
- interesting drm issue on windows
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
- interesting drm issue on windows
- mini-pc
- It's oh so quiet (shortreviews)
Christian Jensen
- Ubuntu Server - possibly the best server distro in the world ...
Christian Jensen
- Wales seem to like Ubuntu too
Christian Jensen
- Misc. Ubuntu in the news
Christian Jensen
- fabbione and zul are scary sometimes...
- My Story or How I Stopped Worrying And Got Rid Of Ubuntu!
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
- mini-pc
- interesting drm issue on windows
- Ubuntu preloads in Oz
- My Story or How I Stopped Worrying And Got Rid Of Ubuntu!
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
- Mark Shuttewoirth and Kubuntu on Slashdot
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
- Acer Aspire
- Acer Aspire
- Acer Aspire
- Why I won't be using Breezy
- Why I won't be using Breezy
- Apple attempts 'Rosetta' trademark
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
- restricted installed by default (was Re: Recent
Security vulnerability in Skype)
- Apple attempts 'Rosetta' trademark
- restricted installed by default (was Re:
Recent Security vulnerability in Skype)
- A Happy Blogger :-)
- Why I won't be using Breezy *gasp*
- restricted installed by default (was
Re: Recent Security vulnerability in Skype)
- Ubuntu at the Internet cafe
- hello and perhaps some help
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
- Ubuntu at the Internet cafe
- Kubuntu in the Boston Herald
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
- Ubuntu at the Internet cafe
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
- multimedia software
- Ubuntu In The News
- multimedia software
- Ubuntu In The News
- multimedia software
- multimedia software
- multimedia software
- multimedia software
- multimedia software
- multimedia software
- multimedia software
- multimedia software
- multimedia software
- Newsforge article: "Catching up with recipients of free Linux
- look at this funny post from mplayer-user list
- Dan Gillmore is looking for desktop linux
- Longest man-page?
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
- multimedia software
- fabbione and zul are scary sometimes...
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Linux Desktop Pocket Guide
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Playing with the big players :-)
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Mark Shuttleworth in Tunis next week during WSIS
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- multimedia software
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Dragon!
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Breezy CD's
- Sec: Unclassified - Pitch Ubuntu at $100 wind up laptop?
Nicola Larosa
- look at this funny post from mplayer-user list
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- look at this funny post from mplayer-user list
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- Longest man-page?
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- Longest man-page?
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
James Livingston
- Why I won't be using Breezy
Trent Lloyd
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Trent Lloyd
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too much"
from Ubuntu?
Trent Lloyd
- Intel Begins Support for Debian
- Ubuntu wins
- Dragon!
Rui T. C. Matos
- My Story or How I Stopped Worrying And Got Rid Of Ubuntu!
Shawn McMahon
- My Story or How I Stopped Worrying And Got Rid Of Ubuntu!
Shawn McMahon
- interesting drm issue on windows
Shawn McMahon
- My Story or How I Stopped Worrying And Got Rid Of Ubuntu!
Shawn McMahon
- My Story or How I Stopped Worrying And Got Rid Of Ubuntu!
Shawn McMahon
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Shawn McMahon
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too
much" from Ubuntu?
Shawn McMahon
- look at this funny post from mplayer-user list
Jani Monoses
- Mark Shuttleworth in Tunis next week during WSIS
Paul O'Malley
- Ubuntu in Linux Format
Paul O'Malley
- gnubuntu (was Re: Recent Security vulnerability in Skype)
Paul O'Malley
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
Henrik Nilsen Omma
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
Henrik Nilsen Omma
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
Henrik Nilsen Omma
- DFID distributes Ubuntu (via TheOpenCD)
Henrik Nilsen Omma
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Phillip Pare
- multimedia software
Phillip Pare
- Serial mouse
Phillip Pare
- member
Danilo Piazzalunga
- Subscribing ubuntu-devel-announce to Gmane
Danilo Piazzalunga
- Subscribing ubuntu-devel-announce to Gmane
Danilo Piazzalunga
- Subscribing ubuntu-devel-announce to Gmane
Danilo Piazzalunga
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
Danilo Piazzalunga
- Ubuntu Roadshow in Indonesia
Ananda Putra
- Presentation material
Ananda Putra
- Ubuntu In The News
David A' Rebel
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Scott James Remnant
- Ubuntu In The News
Scott James Remnant
- Subscribing ubuntu-devel-announce to Gmane
Scott James Remnant
- Subscribing ubuntu-devel-announce to Gmane
Scott James Remnant
- Longest man-page?
Scott James Remnant
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
Daniel Robitaille
- My Story or How I Stopped Worrying And Got Rid Of Ubuntu!
Daniel Robitaille
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
Daniel Robitaille
- Linux Desktop Pocket Guide
Daniel Robitaille
- Mark Shuttewoirth and Kubuntu on Slashdot
Daniel Robitaille
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Daniel Robitaille
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Daniel Robitaille
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Daniel Robitaille
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Daniel Robitaille
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Daniel Robitaille
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Daniel Robitaille
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Daniel Robitaille
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Daniel Robitaille
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Daniel Robitaille
- Online article: Everyday Linux gripes
Daniel Robitaille
- Mark Shuttleworth in Tunis next week during WSIS
Daniel Robitaille
- Mark Shuttleworth in Tunis next week during WSIS
Daniel Robitaille
- Newsforge article: "Catching up with recipients of free Linux CDs"
Daniel Robitaille
- Kubuntu in the Boston Herald
Daniel Robitaille
- newsforge article: "IBM's validation of Ubuntu is a victory for
Daniel Robitaille
- Ubuntu In The News
Daniel Robitaille
- Ub-iquitous
Daniel Robitaille
- Mark Shuttleworth in Tunis next week during WSIS
Daniel Robitaille
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too much"
from Ubuntu?
Daniel Robitaille
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too much"
from Ubuntu?
Daniel Robitaille
- Ufficio Zero 0.6 Screenshot Tour
Daniel Robitaille
- gnubuntu (was Re: Recent Security vulnerability in Skype)
Daniel Robitaille
- A Freedom Toaster article
Daniel Robitaille
- gnubuntu (was Re: Recent Security vulnerability in Skype)
Daniel Robitaille
- multimedia software
Daniel Robitaille
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too much"
from Ubuntu?
Daniel Robitaille
- Mark Shuttewoirth and Kubuntu on Slashdot
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too much" from
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
- Suggestion for dapper -- scrap kubuntu.
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too much" from
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too much" from
- German Ubuntu Openbook
- Why I won't be using Breezy *gasp*
Michael Shigorin
- Ubuntu Server - possibly the best server distro in the world
... ever?
Michael Shigorin
- hello and perhaps some help
Michael Shigorin
- ifplugd
Michael Shigorin
- Why I won't be using Breezy *gasp*
Michael Shigorin
- recognizing things
Michael Shigorin
- non-free, agreements, marks, and stuff
Michael Shigorin
- multimedia software
Michael Shigorin
- multimedia software
Michael Shigorin
- Serial mouse
Michael Shigorin
- look at this funny (sigh) post from mplayer-user list
Michael Shigorin
- multimedia software
Michael Shigorin
- Mark Shuttewoirth and Kubuntu on Slashdot
Mark Shuttleworth
- Mark Shuttleworth in Tunis next week during WSIS
Mark Shuttleworth
- Wales seem to like Ubuntu too
Mark Shuttleworth
- multimedia software
Mark Shuttleworth
- Sec: Unclassified - Pitch Ubuntu at $100 wind up laptop?
Mark Shuttleworth
- multimedia software
Mark Shuttleworth
- Sec: Unclassified - ControlAula
Mark Shuttleworth
- Sec: Unclassified - ControlAula
Mark Shuttleworth
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too much" from
Mark Shuttleworth
- Distro-centric applicatino branding
Mark Shuttleworth
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Mark Shuttleworth
- Ubuntu gains DB2 certification
Jane Silber
- Ubuntu gains DB2 certification
Jane Silber
- Ubuntu In The News
Paul Sladen
- Kubuntu in the Boston Herald
Paul Sladen
- Distro-centric applicatino branding (was: Nexenta OS borrows
Paul Sladen
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Jeroen van Splunder
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Jeroen van Splunder
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
Jeroen van Splunder
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
Jeroen van Splunder
- restricted installed by default (was Re: Recent Security
vulnerability in Skype)
Jeroen van Splunder
- Mark Shuttleworth in Tunis next week during WSIS
Jeroen van Splunder
- multimedia software
Jeroen van Splunder
- Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a bit "too much"
from Ubuntu?
Jeroen van Splunder
- gnubuntu [was: Re: Recent Security vulnerability in Skype]
Jeroen van Splunder
- gnubuntu (was Re: Recent Security vulnerability in Skype)
Jeroen van Splunder
- Sec: Unclassified - Mobile Ubuntu
Stoffers, Robert LAC
- Sec: Unclassified RE: dvd
Stoffers, Robert LAC
- Sec: Unclassified - Pitch Ubuntu at $100 wind up laptop?
Stoffers, Robert LAC
- Sec: Unclassified - Pitch Ubuntu at $100 wind up laptop?
Stoffers, Robert LAC
- Sec: Unclassified - ControlAula
Stoffers, Robert LAC
- Sec: Unclassified - ControlAula
Stoffers, Robert LAC
- Sec: Unclassified - ControlAula
Stoffers, Robert LAC
- Sec: Unclassified RE: Nexenta OS (a/k/a GNU/OpenSolaris) borrows a
bit "toomuch" from Ubuntu?
Stoffers, Robert LAC
- Longest man-page?
Colin Watson
- multimedia software
Colin Watson
- Mark Shuttleworth in Tunis next week during WSIS
Jeff Waugh
- fwd: GNOME deployment in Macedonia - a few pictures
Jeff Waugh
- Mark Shuttleworth in Tunis next week during WSIS
Jeff Waugh
- Great screenshot tour of Ubuntu 5.10 at ZDNet
Jeff Waugh
- ZDnet: Open standards push Mannheim to Linux
Jeff Waugh
- hello and perhaps some help
Regina Woodard
- hello and perhaps some help
Regina Woodard
- Ubuntu In The News
Chris Woods
- Another win - desktop Linux tests
Malcolm Yates
- Ubuntu at the Internet cafe
Matt Zimmerman
- Shipit distibution schedule?
Matt Zimmerman
- Ubuntu Failure Story
Matt Zimmerman
- Longest man-page?
Matt Zimmerman
- Ubuntu Failure Story
Matt Zimmerman
- Serial mouse
Matt Zimmerman
- Ubuntu In The News
- Why I won't be using Breezy *gasp*
- dvd
- Ubuntu In The News
- member
- multimedia software
- dvd
luke jones
- Open Doc Format and the accessibility gap
john levin
- Apple attempts 'Rosetta' trademark
john levin
- Ubuntu In The News
john levin
- Ubuntu in Linux Format
john levin
- Ubuntu In The News
john levin
- Ubuntu In The News
john levin
- Kubuntu in the Boston Herald
- Dan Gillmore is looking for desktop linux
- Recent Security vulnerability in Skype
ulrich steffens
- Breezy CD's
~~~ Rohan ~~~
Last message date:
Wed Nov 30 23:05:57 BST 2005
Archived on: Wed Nov 30 23:06:04 BST 2005
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).