Derek Broughton
news at
Wed Nov 9 19:25:15 CST 2005
Derek Broughton wrote:
> Ubuntu indeed has non-free software, but it can _still_ only include that
> software which is free to download (ie, perhaps not "libre" but
> unencumbered by downloading restrictions - if the license says something
> to the effect that you're given a one-time, non-transferrable, license to
> download "X", then Ubuntu can't include it).
> That may not include the Skype software, as I can't get to the
> site from here, and I can't find a complete license agreement, but from
> what I can see, it doesn't look Ubuntu-compatible to me.
Now that I've found the Skype EULA, it's clear that it can't be distributed
by Ubuntu without a change in license. Under the general license, you
can't distribute it at all, and if you agree to the distribution license
you can only distribute it on CD or DVD - and without any other software.
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