John dingo at
Sat Nov 26 17:43:02 CST 2005

Matthew East wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 10:52 -0400, Derek Broughton wrote:
>>Scott wrote:
>>>Rohan Dhruva wrote:
>>I don't get this at all.  Kubuntu is clearly Ubuntu.  It sounds like exactly
>>what it is - a small variation on Ubuntu.  I think it works exactly as
>>intended - like most KDE apps, it begins with a K, so we can expect it to
>>be a KDE version of Ubuntu.
> I agree, but you have to go out and broadcast the word to all the users
> who think they can't install kde on Ubuntu, or gnome or Kubuntu. There
> are lots!
> Matt

I've been thinking (and that can be dangerous s I tend to overheat!).

If the installer, when run from a CD, looked in, say /installimage.iso, 
for something to install then one could
	Convert a Gubuntu CD to Kubuntu by remastering the ISO, replacing 
/installimage.iso with the KDE image
	Convert a Kubuntu CD to Gubunt by remastering the ISO, replaceing 
/installimage.iso with the Gnome ISO
	Create a derivitave by remastering the ISO, replaceing 
/installimage.iso with the Derivitave ISO
	Create a DVD image by remastering the ISO, replaceing /installimage.iso 
with a combined Gnome, KDE, Edubuntu ISO

The base CD _might_ have the common stuff in the base CD image, or maybe 
in /baseimage.iso so even that could be replaced.

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