dave dave at rodrig.com
Fri Nov 18 17:11:16 CST 2005

> another warning, this time from a non-coffee drinking person: both
> spelling seems acceptable:
> http://www.answers.com/expresso&r=67

Ugggh, I don't think so. I'd always thought of 'expresso' as an american
bastardization of 'espresso'.

The American Heritage(r) Book of English Usage.
> A Practical and Authoritative Guide to Contemporary English. 1996.
> 7. Pronunciation Challenges: Confusions and Controversy
> § 79. espresso / expresso
> The Italian word is espresso, pronounced (-sprs´) or (-sprs´) in English.
> It is short for caffè espresso, or "coffee that has been pressed out."
> Expresso, pronounced (k-sprs´), first occurred no doubt through erroneous
> association with the word express. But now expresso is also common, even in
> edited prose.
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