Matthew Garrett mjg59 at
Tue Nov 22 14:36:59 CST 2005

On Tue, Nov 22, 2005 at 08:14:55PM +0530, Rohan Dhruva wrote:

> Personally, i feel, that the Herculean task of porting GNU apps to solaris is
> very nice on their part.

To be honest, porting GNU apps to /any/ Unix platform has never been 
terribly herculean. Sun have implemented most of the glibc extensions in 
their libc, which makes things even easier.

That's not to say that Nexenta is something that can be produced easily 
- it's a fairly significant amount of effort, and I'd like to see their 
work benefit people. I'd also like them to actually respond to my 
queries about licensing rather than ignoring them, but...
Matthew Garrett | mjg59 at

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