Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at
Tue Nov 22 07:24:01 CST 2005

> In my circle of friends and family (real world, not on-line), I know
> two who use Linux for servers (not counting myself), none who use
> Linux on the desktop (including me _until_ I get around to picking up
> my ShipIt CDs which arrived yesterday :-) :-) :-), two or three
> additional ones who've *used* Linux on another computer (one who used
> it in 1999/2000 for programming but hasn't touched it since), and a
> whole slew of quite capable computer users who have _no_ interest in
> using Linux and couldn't care one whit that Linux is "open" or "free"
> (my partner finds GNOME  and KDE to be very annoying interfaces).

That's not going to stop me from "spreading" Ubuntu ;-). I've got a
number of acquaintances interested in trying Ubuntu <evil laugh>.


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