February 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Feb 1 00:09:29 GMT 2010
Ending: Sun Feb 28 08:51:55 GMT 2010
Messages: 180
- Lucid changes to Firefox default search provider
John Abbott
- New MOTU: Chow Loong Jin (hyperair)
- Spam/user filtering [was: Re: Update for Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express (KB910721)]
Michael Bienia
- proposed universe demotion: virt-manager (or, a request for active maintenance)
Nikolai K. Bochev
- Lucid changes to Firefox default search provider
Alain-Olivier Breysse
- Spam/user filtering [was: Re: Update for Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express (KB910721)]
Neil Broadley
- Ubuntu Versions
Michael Bruttel
- Perl modules in Ubuntu that do not adhere to Debian's naming policy
Ansgar Burchardt
- Perl modules in Ubuntu that do not adhere to Debian's naming policy
Ansgar Burchardt
- Lucid changes to Firefox default search provider
Corey Burger
- Server papercuts: Nominations review on Feb 10
Thierry Carrez
- Server papercuts: New nominations review on Feb 17 !
Thierry Carrez
- Server Team 20100210 meeting minutes
Thierry Carrez
- Bug Elevation Team
Robert Collins
- [LONG] Re: "Exec format error" bugs
Robert Collins
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Kees Cook
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Kees Cook
- Call for testing: lvm2, dmsetup and friends
Kees Cook
- Call for testing: lvm2, dmsetup and friends
Kees Cook
- Process for handlng fakesyncs
Kees Cook
- Call for testing: lvm2, dmsetup and friends
Kees Cook
- Software-center not accessible - Please avoid webkit!
Bill Cox
- Satis ve Pazarlama Teknikleri CDsi (KDV Dahil 55 TL)
- HugDay Idea - Software Center
Draycen DeCator
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Marc Deslauriers
- Package Sets and Sponsoring
Benjamin Drung
- Process for handlng fakesyncs
Benjamin Drung
- Bradley Kuhn on switching back from Ubuntu to Debian
Matthew East
- Ubuntu Kernel Team meeting minutes, 2010-02-09
Brad Figg
- Ubuntu Kernel Team meeting minutes, 2010-02-16
Brad Figg
- Ubuntu Kernel Team meeting minutes, 2010-02-23
Brad Figg
- Lucid server flavour RFC
Tim Gardner
- Situation of tftpd-hpa
Alkis Georgopoulos
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Micah Gersten
- proposed universe demotion: virt-manager (or, a request for active maintenance)
Serge van Ginderachter
- Software-center not accessible - Please avoid webkit!
Bruno Girin
- proposed universe demotion: virt-manager (or, a request for active maintenance)
Etienne Goyer
- Situation of tftpd-hpa
Stéphane Graber
- Situation of tftpd-hpa
Stéphane Graber
- Bug Elevation Team
William Grant
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Mathias Gug
- Server Team 20100217 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Steven Harms
- Call for testing: nouveau open-source nvidia driver
Bryce Harrington
- Call for testing: nouveau open-source nvidia driver
Bryce Harrington
- [dev] gui and alike changes
Bryce Harrington
- Nouveau 2nd Call For Testing
Bryce Harrington
- -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Bryce Harrington
- -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Bryce Harrington
- [ubuntu-x] -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Bryce Harrington
- -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Bryce Harrington
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Stephan Hermann
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Emmet Hikory
- Default reviewer for Ubuntu merge proposals?
Emmet Hikory
- Process for handlng fakesyncs
Emmet Hikory
- Process for handlng fakesyncs
Emmet Hikory
- New MOTU: Chow Loong Jin (hyperair)
Emmet Hikory
- Call For Testing: ATI and nVIDIA graphic cards
Sense Hofstede
- motu-release
Daniel Holbach
- Package Sets and Sponsoring
Daniel Holbach
- Package Sets and Sponsoring
Daniel Holbach
- Package Sets and Sponsoring
Daniel Holbach
- Package Sets and Sponsoring
Daniel Holbach
- motu-release
Daniel Holbach
- motu-release
Daniel Holbach
- New MOTU: Chow Loong Jin (hyperair)
Zhengpeng Hou
- Lucid changes to Firefox default search provider
- Lucid changes to Firefox default search provider
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Ralph Janke
- Lucid changes to Firefox default search provider
Chow Loong Jin
- New MOTU: Chow Loong Jin (hyperair)
Chow Loong Jin
- Netbook remix
Parth Joshi
- [LONG] Re: "Exec format error" bugs
Guillem Jover
- Call for testing: lvm2, dmsetup and friends
Ante Karamatić
- Situation of tftpd-hpa
Dustin Kirkland
- Situation of tftpd-hpa
Dustin Kirkland
- Attention Encrypted Home Users...
Dustin Kirkland
- Server Bug Zapping -- Call for Participation!
Dustin Kirkland
- Bug Elevation Team
Scott Kitterman
- Bug Elevation Team
Scott Kitterman
- motu-release
Scott Kitterman
- motu-release
Scott Kitterman
- [LONG] Re: "Exec format error" bugs
Jean-Baptiste Lallement
- [LONG] Re: "Exec format error" bugs
Jean-Baptiste Lallement
- Package Sets and Sponsoring
Iain Lane
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Steve Langasek
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Steve Langasek
- universe demotion: Moodle
Steve Langasek
- motu-release
Steve Langasek
- motu-release
Steve Langasek
- motu-release
Steve Langasek
- motu-release
Steve Langasek
- Perl modules in Ubuntu that do not adhere to Debian's naming policy
Steve Langasek
- motu-release
Steve Langasek
- Call for testing: nouveau open-source nvidia driver
Kjell Le
- Software-center not accessible - Please avoid webkit!
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- hdf5 1.8.4 transition
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- proposed universe demotion: virt-manager (or, a request for active maintenance)
Mario Limonciello
- Preseeding change needed for desktop auto-installations
Mario Limonciello
- [Fwd: Problems with debug packages on ubuntu 9.10 karmic]
Thomas Mittelstaedt
- software center
Mackenzie Morgan
- [Bulk] Lucid changes to Firefox default search provider
Mackenzie Morgan
- Package Sets and Sponsoring
Mackenzie Morgan
- Call For Testing: ATI and nVIDIA graphic cards
Dave Morley
- Server Team 20100224 meeting minutes
Scott Moser
- Ubuntu popcon data - more detailed?
Till Mossakowski
- Ubuntu popcon data - more detailed?
Till Mossakowski
- proposed universe demotion: virt-manager (or, a request for active maintenance)
Alex Muntada
- software center
Brian Murray
- Reviewing bugs with patches
Brian Murray
- -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Mirco Müller
- -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Aurélien Naldi
- archive rebuild results
Lucas Nussbaum
- -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Martin Owens
- Call For Testing: ATI and nVIDIA graphic cards
Neil Perry
- Spam/user filtering [was: Re: Update for Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express (KB910721)]
Martin Pitt
- Call for testing: nouveau open-source nvidia driver
Martin Pitt
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Martin Pitt
- Call for testing: lvm2, dmsetup and friends
Martin Pitt
- Process for handlng fakesyncs
Martin Pitt
- Process for handlng fakesyncs
Martin Pitt
- bluez-gstreamer not seeded via desktop-common anymore
Martin Pitt
- unit test generator for shared C/C++ library API
Andrey Ponomarenko
- Process for handlng fakesyncs
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release
Stefan Potyra
- Call For Testing: ATI and nVIDIA graphic cards
Ara Pulido
- Call For Testing: ATI and nVIDIA graphic cards
Ara Pulido
- Call for testing: nouveau open-source nvidia driver
Vishal Rao
- Foundations Team Weekly Summary, 2010-02-17
Scott James Remnant
- proposed universe demotion: virt-manager (or, a request for active maintenance)
Carlos Ribeiro
- Ubuntu Versions
Carlos Ribeiro
- Process for handlng fakesyncs
Scott Ritchie
- [ubuntu-x] -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Luis R. Rodriguez
- Netbook remix
Christopher James Halse Rogers
- Netbook remix
Christopher James Halse Rogers
- Call for testing: nouveau open-source nvidia driver
Christopher James Halse Rogers
- [ubuntu-x] -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Christopher James Halse Rogers
- [LONG] Re: "Exec format error" bugs
Benjamin Root
- PHP 5.3 for Lucid
Chuck Short
- bluez-gstreamer not seeded via desktop-common anymore
Harald Sitter
- bluez-gstreamer not seeded via desktop-common anymore
Harald Sitter
- -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Rick Spencer
- Update for Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express (KB910721)
Microsoft Support
- [gmane.linux.debian.devel.general] sbuild version 0.60.0 released
Reinhard Tartler
- Conflicker.B Infection Alert
Microsoft Team
- Software-center not accessible - Please avoid webkit!
Matthew Paul Thomas
- [Bulk] Lucid changes to Firefox default search provider
Dan Trevino
- proposed universe demotion: virt-manager (or, a request for active maintenance)
Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
- Lucid changes to Firefox default search provider
- [LONG] Re: "Exec format error" bugs
Mario Vukelic
- feedback: installation lucid on my laptop
Michael Wahlbrink
- proposed universe demotion: virt-manager (or, a request for active maintenance)
Dave Walker
- Foundations Team Weekly Summary, 2010-02-10
Colin Watson
- Process for handlng fakesyncs
Colin Watson
- Preseeding change needed for desktop auto-installations
Colin Watson
- Preseeding change needed for desktop auto-installations
Colin Watson
- Package Sets and Sponsoring
James Westby
- Package Sets and Sponsoring
James Westby
- Package Sets and Sponsoring
James Westby
- Default reviewer for Ubuntu merge proposals?
James Westby
- Process for handlng fakesyncs
James Westby
- Security Team Weekly Summary, 2009-01-17
Robbie Williamson
- Security Team Weekly Summary, 2009-01-24
Robbie Williamson
- Security Team Weekly Summary, 2009-02-07
Robbie Williamson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] identi.ca and twitter accounts setup to report the state of the Ubuntu archives
Robbie Williamson
- Weekly Security Team Summary, 2009-02-22
Robbie Williamson
- -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Luke Yelavich
- [ubuntu-x] -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware
Jerone Young
- Perl modules in Ubuntu that do not adhere to Debian's naming policy
Jonathan Yu
- Bradley Kuhn on switching back from Ubuntu to Debian
Matt Zimmerman
- Freedom on the web (Re: Bradley Kuhn on switching back from Ubuntu to Debian)
Matt Zimmerman
- Для ВАС Мужчины.Лучшая интернет аптека
ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
- Для ВАС Мужчины.Лучшая интернет аптека
ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
- Доброго Дня.Лучший магазин дженериков в России
ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
- [dev] gui and alike changes
- Call for testing: nouveau open-source nvidia driver
bladerunner6 at talk21.com
Last message date:
Sun Feb 28 08:51:55 GMT 2010
Archived on: Thu Mar 4 09:12:26 GMT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).