[ubuntu-x] -nouveau now set as the default driver for Nvidia hardware

Christopher James Halse Rogers raof at ubuntu.com
Sun Feb 21 07:03:38 GMT 2010

On Sat, 2010-02-20 at 01:25 -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 03:51:53AM -0500, Martin Owens wrote:
> > Now if I understand correctly the -nvidia driver doesn't yet support KMS
> > right, so it's boot will actually be less attractive?
> The -nvidia driver does not support KMS.  I do not know of any plans for
> -nvidia to support KMS.  

The last I remember of this, implementing KMS required symbols
explicitly exported as GPL, making it impossible for nvidia to implement
KMS in the closed driver.  That's a memory from some time ago, but this
nvnews thread[1] both confirms the GPL symbols issue and suggests that
nvidia are considering whether to implement a work-alike solution.

> Because of this, we do not anticipate -nvidia
> users will benefit as much from some of the boot improvement work being
> done.  However, at least in Lucid, -nvidia is the best driver for
> accelerated 3D performance.

Or, indeed, the only driver for accelerated 3D performance[2] :).

[1] http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=129253
[2] In that we, and upstream, will cry UNSUPPORTED! at any non-packaging
bugs you will encounter in the packages providing 3D in xorg-edgers.
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