Security Team Weekly Summary, 2009-01-17

Robbie Williamson robbie at
Tue Feb 9 07:29:54 GMT 2010

= Jamie Strandboge =
Role: triager

== Issue Tracking ==
 * bug triage
 * CVE triage

== Updates ==
 * transmission
  * develop patches for intrepid and hardy
  * test, publish USN-885-1

== Technology Development ==
 * AppArmor
  * /usr alias
  * clean up aa-decode
  * rewrite apparmor-notify
  * discover/file LP: #507069 (aa-status is wrong for unconfined
  * test LP: #484148 (apparmor profile freezes Firefox when using Java) 
    on Lucid (still affected). Turns out to be Ux vs ux (too much was 
    scrubbed from the environment with Ux and it caused java to fail)

== Community ==
* security-lucid-sponsorship-review: got security updates as part of 
   the MOTU process
 * ubuntu-security meeting
 * ReleaseStatus meeting

== Miscellaneous ==
 * evaluate handling email and improve work flow

= Kees Cook =
Weekly Role: happy place

== Updates ==
* patched/tested/published krb5 update (USN-881-1)
* patched/tested/published openssl update (USN-884-1)

== Technology Integration ==
* opened bug for non-exec execution
* started work on non-exec exec blocking in nautilus, wine, java.
* fix remaining q-r-t scripts to have a sane exit code.
* finally made progress on fixing nx-emu glitch (LP: #452175).

== Auditing ==
* quickly reviewed Euca autoregistration code.
* helping debug apparmor java rejections.

== Community ==
* security team meeting
* tech board meeting
* reviewed and uploaded pdns security updates from cemc (LP: #299783).

= Marc Deslauriers = 
Weekly role: community

== Issue Tracking ==
* CVE triage

== Updates ==
* Worked on, tested and released USN-883-1: network-manager-applet 
   - Installed WPA2 enterprise test network
* Worked on, tested and released USN-882-1: PHP vulnerabilities
* Worked on pidgin CVEs
* Worked on libthai CVE

== Technology development ==
* Iso testing
   - Opened LP: #507148 ([lucid] desktop fails to start on Thinkpad T30)
* Worked on DebuggingScreenLocking wiki page
* ubuntu-security-tools:
   - build-tools/umt: Sort results of "umt search" and separate by repo 

== Community ==
* Reviewed php-imap community debdiffs (LP: #485973)
* Reviewed and sponsored community zend-framework debdiffs (LP:#506304)
* Performed fake-security-sync of php-net-ping
* Added gdm info to security team FAQ

Robbie Williamson                                     robbie at
Ubuntu                                         robbiew[]                               

"You can't be lucky all the time, but you can be smart everyday" 
 -Mos Def

"Arrogance is thinking you are better than everyone else, while
Confidence is knowing no one else is better than you." -Me ;)

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