June 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Jun 1 06:48:31 UTC 2012
Ending: Sat Jun 30 23:58:35 UTC 2012
Messages: 248
- [ubuntu-uk] (no subject)
- [ubuntu-uk] Starting an IT workshop
- [ubuntu-uk] Moles
Bill B.
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Bill Baker
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu's Plans To Implement UEFI SecureBoot: No GRUB2
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Starting an IT workshop
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Heads up: Fedora pays Microsoft
Alan Bell
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Alan Bell
- [ubuntu-uk] Branded Ubuntu Disks
Alan Bell
- [ubuntu-uk] thunderbird fonts
Alan Bell
- [ubuntu-uk] thunderbird fonts
Alan Bell
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Alan Bell
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Alan Bell
- [ubuntu-uk] virtualbox problems
Alan Bell
- [ubuntu-uk] Summer BBQ
Alan Bell
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Alan Bell
- [ubuntu-uk] Museum outing
Alan Bell
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Andy Braben
- [ubuntu-uk] (no subject)
Daniel Case
- [ubuntu-uk] Starting an IT workshop
Daniel Case
- [ubuntu-uk] Heads up: Fedora pays Microsoft
Bill Cumming
- [ubuntu-uk] Is there an official list of UK vendors of preinstalled kit?
Laura Czajkowski
- [ubuntu-uk] Museum outing
Matthew Daubney
- [ubuntu-uk] Help please
John Davis
- [ubuntu-uk] Hi Chris,
John Davis
- [ubuntu-uk] Drop box
John Davis
- [ubuntu-uk] phishing and LinkedIn
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] phishing and LinkedIn
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] text colour change
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Recommendations for laptop spares suppliers
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
Jon Farmer
- [ubuntu-uk] embarrassing mouse issue
J Fernyhough
- [ubuntu-uk] embarrassing mouse issue
J Fernyhough
- [ubuntu-uk] phishing and LinkedIn
Steve Flynn
- [ubuntu-uk] Heads up: Fedora pays Microsoft
Chris Fox
- [ubuntu-uk] Heads up: Fedora pays Microsoft
Chris Fox
- [ubuntu-uk] Using Clonezilla to image thinkpad hard drive before installing Ubuntu
Chris Fox
- [ubuntu-uk] Help please
Chris Fox
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Chris Fox
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu's Plans To Implement UEFI SecureBoot: No GRUB2
Chris Fox
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu.com down?
Gareth France
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu.com down?
Gareth France
- [ubuntu-uk] File sharing website
Mark Fraser
- [ubuntu-uk] Ethernet not working after board replacement
Mark Fraser
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Bruno Girin
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Bruno Girin
- [ubuntu-uk] phishing and LinkedIn
Bruno Girin
- [ubuntu-uk] Museum outing
Bruno Girin
- [ubuntu-uk] Museum outing
Bruno Girin
- [ubuntu-uk] virtualbox problems
Avi Greenbury
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu's Plans To Implement UEFI SecureBoot: No GRUB2
Avi Greenbury
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
Avi Greenbury
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu showdown
Avi Greenbury
- [ubuntu-uk] Books
Avi Greenbury
- [ubuntu-uk] IPv6
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] IPv6
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Using Clonezilla to image thinkpad hard drive before installing Ubuntu
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Using Clonezilla to image thinkpad hard drive before installing Ubuntu
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Forgotten password for log in....
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Forgotten password for log in....
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] virtualbox problems
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Hamachi
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Developer likes Unity
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost password......key authorisation
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost password......key authorisation
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] HP, Dell, et al - come to Linux!
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Ethernet not working after board replacement
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Recommendations for laptop spares suppliers
Simon Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Heads up: Fedora pays Microsoft
Bea Groves
- [ubuntu-uk] Starting an IT workshop
Bea Groves
- [ubuntu-uk] Branded Ubuntu Disks
- [ubuntu-uk] phishing and LinkedIn
- [ubuntu-uk] Is there an official list of UK vendors of preinstalled kit?
Jones, Victor
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu, BlackBerry PlayBook and Windows in VirtualBox
David King
- [ubuntu-uk] File sharing website
David King
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu, BlackBerry PlayBook and Windows in VirtualBox
David King
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
David King
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
David King
- [ubuntu-uk] text colour change
Colin Law
- [ubuntu-uk] text colour change
Colin Law
- [ubuntu-uk] text colour change
Colin Law
- [ubuntu-uk] text colour change
Colin Law
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu, BlackBerry PlayBook and Windows in VirtualBox
- [ubuntu-uk] Ethernet not working after board replacement
Alan Lord
- [ubuntu-uk] Branded Ubuntu Disks
Colin McCarthy
- [ubuntu-uk] Branded Ubuntu Disks
Colin McCarthy
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu.com down?
Colin McCarthy
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu.com down?
Colin McCarthy
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Dave Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] Using Clonezilla to image thinkpad hard drive before installing Ubuntu
Dave Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] Ethernet not working after board replacement
James Morrissey
- [ubuntu-uk] Ethernet not working after board replacement
James Morrissey
- [ubuntu-uk] Mounting drive and closing users
Andres Muniz
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Andres Muniz
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Andres Muniz
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Andres Muniz
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu's Plans To Implement UEFI SecureBoot: No GRUB2
Andres Muniz
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu showdown
Andres Muniz
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu showdown
Andres Muniz
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Andres Muniz
- [ubuntu-uk] Starting an IT workshop
Andres Muniz
- [ubuntu-uk] (no subject)
Andy Partington
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu, BlackBerry PlayBook and Windows in VirtualBox
Grant Phillips-Sewell
- [ubuntu-uk] Passwords need prior to updates?
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Is there an official list of UK vendors of preinstalled kit?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost password......key authorisation
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] (no subject)
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: [SFD-announce] SFD 2012 registration is now LIVE!
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] thunderbird fonts
Jim Price
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu.com down?
Jim Price
- [ubuntu-uk] Help please
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] Help please
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] virtualbox problems
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] virtualbox problems
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] virtualbox problems
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] embarrassing mouse issue
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] Is there an official list of UK vendors of preinstalled kit?
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] Is there an official list of UK vendors of preinstalled kit?
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] Is there an official list of UK vendors of preinstalled kit?
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] embarrassing mouse issue
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] Museum outing
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] (no subject)
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] (no subject)
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] (no subject)
Liam Proven
- [ubuntu-uk] Forgotten password for log in....
Tony Pursell
- [ubuntu-uk] Starting an IT workshop
Tony Pursell
- [ubuntu-uk] thunderbird fonts
Norman Silverstone
- [ubuntu-uk] thunderbird fonts
Norman Silverstone
- [ubuntu-uk] thunderbird fonts
Norman Silverstone
- [ubuntu-uk] thunderbird fonts
Norman Silverstone
- [ubuntu-uk] text colour change
Norman Silverstone
- [ubuntu-uk] text colour change
Norman Silverstone
- [ubuntu-uk] text colour change
Norman Silverstone
- [ubuntu-uk] text colour change
Norman Silverstone
- [ubuntu-uk] text colour change
Norman Silverstone
- [ubuntu-uk] embarrassing mouse issue
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] Hamachi
Byte Soup
- [ubuntu-uk] phishing and LinkedIn
Jon Spriggs
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Recommendations for laptop spares suppliers
Philip Stubbs
- [ubuntu-uk] (no subject)
- [ubuntu-uk] (no subject)
- [ubuntu-uk] (no subject)
- [ubuntu-uk] IPv6
Paul Tansom
- [ubuntu-uk] IPv6
Paul Tansom
- [ubuntu-uk] IPv6
Paul Tansom
- [ubuntu-uk] Museum outing
James Thomas
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: [Derby - LUG] Richard Stallman talk in Leicester]
Barry Titterton
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Nigel Verity
- [ubuntu-uk] File sharing website
Nigel Verity
- [ubuntu-uk] Richard Stallman Event
Nigel Verity
- [ubuntu-uk] Books
Ted Wager
- [ubuntu-uk] virtualbox problems
Tyler J. Wagner
- [ubuntu-uk] Ethernet not working after board replacement
Tyler J. Wagner
- [ubuntu-uk] Moles
Stuart Ward
- [ubuntu-uk] Museum outing
Stuart Ward
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
Stuart Ward
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
Matt Wheeler
- [ubuntu-uk] LinkedIn
Phill Whiteside
- [ubuntu-uk] phishing and LinkedIn
Phill Whiteside
- [ubuntu-uk] Testing of 12.10 how to report findings
Phill Whiteside
- [ubuntu-uk] What does it take to make a release?
Phill Whiteside
- [ubuntu-uk] virtualbox problems
Phill Whiteside
- [ubuntu-uk] Books
Phill Whiteside
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Recommendations for laptop spares suppliers
antonk20117 at gmail.com
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Recommendations for laptop spares suppliers
antonk20117 at gmail.com
- [ubuntu-uk] HP, Dell, et al - come to Linux!
john beddard
- [ubuntu-uk] text colour change
- [ubuntu-uk] Heads up: Fedora pays Microsoft
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Heads up: Fedora pays Microsoft
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] UEFI
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Passwords need prior to updates?
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu.com down?
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] [marketing] Good news feedback
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Starting an IT workshop
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Testing of 12.10 how to report findings
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
- [ubuntu-uk] Starting an IT workshop
- [ubuntu-uk] Using Clonezilla to image thinkpad hard drive before installing Ubuntu
- [ubuntu-uk] Using Clonezilla to image thinkpad hard drive before installing Ubuntu
- [ubuntu-uk] Using Clonezilla to image thinkpad hard drive before installing Ubuntu
- [ubuntu-uk] Help please
- [ubuntu-uk] Help please
- [ubuntu-uk] Help please
- [ubuntu-uk] [marketing] Good news feedback
- [ubuntu-uk] Developer likes Unity
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
- [ubuntu-uk] Heads up: Fedora pays Microsoft
- [ubuntu-uk] HP, Dell, et al - come to Linux!
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu's Plans To Implement UEFI SecureBoot: No GRUB2
- [ubuntu-uk] virtualbox problems
- [ubuntu-uk] virtualbox problems
- [ubuntu-uk] virtualbox problems
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
- [ubuntu-uk] heads up - Secure Boot Problems for Linux Users Are Here Already
- [ubuntu-uk] Forgotten password for log in....
- [ubuntu-uk] Forgotten password for log in....
- [ubuntu-uk] Forgotten password for log in....
- [ubuntu-uk] Forgotten password for log in....
- [ubuntu-uk] Forgotten password fixed but now I get key authentication......
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost password......key authorisation
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost password......key authorisation
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost password......key authorisation
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
- [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft Surface Release, Will there be something similar from Ubuntu?
- [ubuntu-uk] embarrassing mouse issue
pete smout
- [ubuntu-uk] embarrassing mouse issue
pete smout
- [ubuntu-uk] embarrassing mouse issue
pete smout
- [ubuntu-uk] embarrassing mouse issue
pete smout
- [ubuntu-uk] HP, Dell, et al - come to Linux!
kpb at sohcahtoa.org.uk
- [ubuntu-uk] Heads up: Fedora pays Microsoft
- [ubuntu-uk] Heads up: Fedora pays Microsoft
paul sutton
- [ubuntu-uk] UEFI
paul sutton
- [ubuntu-uk] Branded Ubuntu Disks
paul sutton
- [ubuntu-uk] LinkedIn
paul sutton
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
paul sutton
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu in india
paul sutton
- [ubuntu-uk] (no subject)
paul sutton
Last message date:
Sat Jun 30 23:58:35 UTC 2012
Archived on: Sat Jun 30 23:24:36 UTC 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).