[ubuntu-uk] IPv6

Paul Tansom paul at aptanet.com
Thu Jun 7 20:02:59 UTC 2012

** Simon Greenwood <sfgreenwood at gmail.com> [2012-06-07 19:41]:
> On 7 June 2012 18:55, Paul Tansom <paul at aptanet.com> wrote:
> > A couple of very quick questions on IPv6 that people may be able to cast
> > light
> > on.
> >
> > 1. Does anyone know why IPv6 doesn't come up on boot with Ubuntu 10.04? I
> > can
> > enable it once it is booted with a quick ifdown and ifup (although I have
> > to
> > force the ifdown). For some reason it doesn't come up when the server is
> > rebooted. The same config in the interfaces file on my 12.04 box works
> > fine.
> >
> > 2. With a Ubuntu 8.04 server (yes I know it is old!) with IPv6 enabled and
> > Apache apparently supporting IPv6 am I right in assuming that there is
> > other
> > infrastructure that limits it working? I note that host, for example, does
> > not
> > support IPv6. I could of course be missing something as it can be tricky
> > working out whether the issue is at client or server, especially when one
> > test
> > I was using quoted IPv6 working fine and the other insisted it was IPv4
> > only!
> > In the end the postive test was simply telling me the client was working
> > because it was pulling the info from a different server - doh.
> >
> > Of course both of these servers are penciled in for an upgrade to 12.04
> > ASAP,
> > but the AP bit is proving the limiting factor in terms of available time to
> > sort it out :(
> >
> The general question is how are you allocating IPv6 addresses on these
> machines? Have you had a network allocated by the provider? My guess would
> be that if you haven't, on 10.04 it doesn't come up if an address isn't
> available or if there isn't a link-local network available, and on 8.04 an
> allocated address needs to find a link-local network or an enabled router.
** end quote [Simon Greenwood]

I have a static address allocated in a range allocated by my ISP. Everything is
native IPv6 through the firewall, when the interface comes up. I guess it could
be failing to identify that it is available because it is behind the firewall,
I'm not familiar with how this checking would work.

As for the 8.04 machine, this was pre-configured on my VPS for the interfaces
side of things, so is coming up and working quite happily for SSH, ping, etc.,
just not on the web server, even though the addresses resolve correctly. I'm
half assuming that Apache isn't bringing things up properly on the IPv6
interface because it is having trouble resolving things somewhere, although the
apachectrl configtest isn't showing up any errors. I'll have to dig into the
logs a bit.

Most of this is curiosity and impatience. I'm planning to upgrade both machines
next month when things calm down a bit for me - hopefully! The upgrades will be
via complete re-installs as I have other changes to make that make that
desirable over an upgrade in place.

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/ | 023 9238 0001
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