[ubuntu-uk] Heads up: Fedora pays Microsoft

Bea Groves beagroves at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 10:54:44 UTC 2012


I've sent an email on the matter to my colleagues at the Institute for 
Learning as a heads-up to an issue that may well impact on the 
curriculum offered in FE colleges as time goes on. It's worth spreading 
the word on this to all parties that might be affected by it; the more 
we're aware the more we can protest.

On 01/06/12 11:28, paul sutton wrote:
> On 01/06/12 07:48, alan c wrote:
>>  From the Bad News department:
>> Lockdown: free/open OS maker pays Microsoft ransom for the right to
>> boot on users' computers
>> By Cory Doctorow May 31
>> http://boingboing.net/2012/05/31/lockdown-freeopen-os-maker-p.html
> Ok forwarded the link to my local MP and while the issues are technical
> i have tried to argue or at least say that we should have fairness and
> if we want to run other systems we should be able to.
> Also made a point in saying thast many universities / industries use
> Linux for their work,  as well as Linux being used for film CGI,
> Not sure if this helps but I really don't know what else i can do,   A
> lot of users probably won't even notice,  until it's too late.
> Paul

Beatrix E. Groves
President, Institute for Learning (IfL)
General Secretary, Association of Part-Time Tutors (APTT)
Email:	beagroves at gmail.com
Email:  bea at beagroves.net
Web:  	http://www.beagroves.net
Blog:	http://beagroves.tumblr.com

Random Quote of the Day (chosen by my computer) ------------->

“Freedom of enterprise was from the beginning not altogether a blessing. 
As the liberty to work or to starve, it spelled toil, insecurity, and 
fear for the vast majority of the population. If the individual were no 
longer compelled to prove himself on the market, as a free economic 
subject, the disappearance of this freedom would be one of the greatest 
achievements of civilization.” (Herbert Marcuse)

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