July 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jul 1 00:01:32 UTC 2010
Ending: Fri Jul 30 21:42:54 UTC 2010
Messages: 174
- Interesting conflict with zlib 1.2.5 & gdm 2.30
Michael Adams
- Ubuntu Branch reviewers
Bilal Akhtar
- A question about Denemo's accessibility
André L. Baldo
- [maverick] mercurial broken for amd64...
Michael Bienia
- maverick package indexing broken...
Michael Bienia
- [maverick] mercurial broken for amd64...
Daniel J Blueman
- Maverick graphics driver updates?
Daniel J Blueman
- maverick package indexing broken...
Daniel J Blueman
- maverick package indexing broken...
Daniel J Blueman
- maverick package indexing broken...
Daniel J Blueman
- bug reporting and file descriptors...
Daniel J Blueman
- To what extent RHEL Deployment Guide can be used for ubuntu?
Daniel J Blueman
- Backup Tool
Iain Buclaw
- Suggestion: Leaky temp directory with encrypted home directories
Ansgar Burchardt
- RFP: ubuntu-archive-keyring -- GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu archive
Ansgar Burchardt
- is sawfish maintained on ubuntu?
Daniel Chen
- Incidents filed whkich end up in wontfix status
Alex Cockell
- is sawfish maintained on ubuntu?
Fergal Daly
- is sawfish maintained on ubuntu?
Fergal Daly
- Ubuntu Stack Exchange
Evan Dandrea
- Shouldn't update-manager's "check for updates" setting have an "hourly" option?
Nathan Dorfman
- eclipse-pde missing extension point org.eclipse.ui.newWizards
Benjamin Drung
- project for installation
Benjamin Drung
- high cpu requirement for asymptote in ubuntu 10.04
Sai Duan
- How to use the new Launchpad status?
- Request for upgrade of Culmus package from Debian
Yair F
- Ubuntu packaging assistance?
Shane Fagan
- Sound Indicator
Shane Fagan
- Ubuntu-devel-discuss Digest, Vol 44, Issue 37
Shane Fagan
- Ubuntu-devel-discuss Digest, Vol 44, Issue 39
Shane Fagan
- sunbird
Francesco Fumanti
- sunbird
Francesco Fumanti
- Aptitude included in Maverick by default
- Tomcat permissions and class loading
Florent Georges
- Tomcat permissions and class loading
Florent Georges
- Tomcat permissions and class loading
Florent Georges
- How to use the new Launchpad status?
Micah Gersten
- Fwd: Re: How to use the new Launchpad status?
Micah Gersten
- sunbird
Micah Gersten
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Micah Gersten
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Micah Gersten
- Evolution Contact Manager
Harry Getz
- compiz 0.8.4-0ubuntu2.1 alleged bugs report
Bruno Girin
- How to use the new Launchpad status?
Bruno Girin
- How to use the new Launchpad status?
Bruno Girin
- bug reporting and file descriptors...
Bruno Girin
- Suggestion: Leaky temp directory with encrypted home directories
Lucian Adrian Grijincu
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Soren Hansen
- Backup Tool
Sascha Heberger
- Fwd: Re: How to use the new Launchpad status?
Deryck Hodge
- Ubuntu artwork. Where has it gone?
Sense Hofstede
- sunbird
Robert Holtzman
- sunbird
Robert Holtzman
- sunbird
Robert Holtzman
- inconsistant hibernate in Lucid
Robert Holtzman
- [repost] inconsistant hibernate in Lucid...anyone?
Robert Holtzman
- Request for feedback: Developer Mentoring Program
Scott Howard
- Aptitude included in Maverick by default
Evan Huus
- obexftp no longer connecting
Leonard Ilanius
- Aptitude included in Maverick by default
Chris Jones
- Aptitude included in Maverick by default
Chris Jones
- Ubuntu artwork. Where has it gone?
Chris Jones
- UbuntuForums.org support email?
Chris Jones
- Ubuntu artwork. Where has it gone?
Chris Jones
- Shishi Version 1.0.0 on Ubuntu Lucid?
Simon Josefsson
- Deprecating X screen display by Ghostscript
Till Kamppeter
- Shishi Version 1.0.0 on Ubuntu Lucid?
Richard Kerver
- Suggestion: Leaky temp directory with encrypted home directories
Rob King
- Suggestion: Leaky temp directory with encrypted home directories
Rob King
- Suggestion: Leaky temp directory with encrypted home directories
Dustin Kirkland
- Suggestion: Leaky temp directory with encrypted home directories
Dustin Kirkland
- Suggestion: Leaky temp directory with encrypted home directories
Dustin Kirkland
- How to use the new Launchpad status?
Scott Kitterman
- How to use the new Launchpad status?
Scott Kitterman
- How to use the new Launchpad status?
Scott Kitterman
- Ubuntu Branch reviewers
Scott Kitterman
- how can i uninstall Plymouth, or replace it with Usplash?
Scott Kitterman
- Request for feedback: Developer Mentoring Program
Scott Kitterman
- New version of Virtuoso Open Source 6.1.2
Patrick van Kleef
- How to use the new Launchpad status?
Charlie Kravetz
- we should make a bacup and restore utility for ubuntu like in windows it will make it more professional
Charlie Kravetz
- Aptitude included in Maverick by default
Luke L
- User education on first boot post install
Jeff Lane
- Launchpad bug linking to U1 client spec behind a secret login
John Rowland Lenton
- maverick package indexing broken...
Lorenzo De Liso
- package solr-common
Justin Lolofie
- Aptitude included in Maverick by default
Rovanion Luckey
- Message Filter Problem
Kai Mast
- Sound Indicator
Kai Mast
- [Fwd: Re: Backup Tool]
Kai Mast
- bad KVM network performance with 10GB
John McCabe-Dansted
- Idea #1242: Restoring the bootloader by Ubuntu installation CD
John McCabe-Dansted
- Launchpad bug linking to U1 client spec behind a secret login
Dylan McCall
- Shouldn't update-manager's "check for updates" setting have an "hourly" option?
Gareth McCumskey
- User education on first boot post install
Gareth McCumskey
- Who's still maintaining libusb-0.1?
Eric Miao
- sunbird
Juan Rodríguez Monti
- strace for a thunderbird bug, since I can't use launchpad ~_~
John Moser
- ntfs-3g - mount defaults
Dane Mutters
- Message Filter Problem
Dane Mutters
- User education on first boot post install
Dane Mutters
- Aptitude included in Maverick by default
Arand Nash
- notify-osd upgrade
Damián Nohales
- Ubuntu USB Quick Booting.
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Ryan Oram
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Ryan Oram
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Ryan Oram
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Ryan Oram
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Ryan Oram
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Ryan Oram
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Ryan Oram
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Ryan Oram
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Ryan Oram
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Ryan Oram
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Ryan Oram
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Ryan Oram
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Ryan Oram
- Ubuntu packaging assistance?
Martin Owens
- Fwd: Thanks for Ubuntu
Martin Owens
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Joao Pinto
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Joao Pinto
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Joao Pinto
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Joao Pinto
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Joao Pinto
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Joao Pinto
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Joao Pinto
- project for installation
Joao Pinto
- Who's still maintaining libusb-0.1?
Martin Pitt
- How to use the new Launchpad status?
Martin Pitt
- Fwd: Re: How to use the new Launchpad status?
Martin Pitt
- bug reporting and file descriptors...
Martin Pitt
- Ubuntu-devel-discuss Digest, Vol 44, Issue 39
Martin Pitt
- IPv6 rooute rule adding bug
Fanta Private
- aptitude vs. apt
Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals
- UbuntuForums.org support email?
Krenar Qehaja
- project for installation
Bavithra R
- project for installation
Bavithra R
- Aptitude included in Maverick by default
- Maverick graphics driver updates?
Christopher James Halse Rogers
- geneweb 64bit
Wolfgang Rohdewald
- Suggestion: Leaky temp directory with encrypted home directories
Sindhudweep Sarkar
- bad KVM network performance with 10GB
Scholte van Mast, Rene
- how can i uninstall Plymouth, or replace it with Usplash?
Paulo Silva
- Tomcat permissions and class loading
Louis Simard
- Tomcat permissions and class loading
Louis Simard
- Where to find this
Louis Simard
- Ubuntu-devel-discuss Digest, Vol 44, Issue 37
karthikeyan Sivakkumar
- Ubuntu-devel-discuss Digest, Vol 44, Issue 39
karthikeyan Sivakkumar
- Ubuntu-devel-discuss Digest, Vol 44, Issue 41
Abraham Smith
- Aptitude included in Maverick by default
Paul Smith
- bug reporting and file descriptors...
Reinhard Tartler
- bug reporting and file descriptors...
Reinhard Tartler
- bug reporting and file descriptors...
Reinhard Tartler
- need some guidance on a project
Matthew Paul Thomas
- notify-osd upgrade
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Ubuntu AppUpdate
Joshua Timberman
- Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers
John Vivirito
- Aptitude included in Maverick by default
V for Vortex
- we should make a bacup and restore utility for ubuntu like in windows it will make it more professional
Mario Vukelic
- Ubuntu-devel-discuss Digest, Vol 44, Issue 37
Mario Vukelic
- [Fwd: Re: Backup Tool]
Luke Yelavich
- To what extent RHEL Deployment Guide can be used for ubuntu?
Peng Yu
- obexftp no longer connecting
- claws-mail 3.7.4 segfault through pgpcore
- addition to claws-mail 3.7.4 segfault through pgpcore
- Ubuntu-devel-discuss Digest, Vol 44, Issue 1
aakash pandey
- aakash pandey wants to chat
aakash pandey
- Read this please it and help u all and me and forgive me for my mistakes
aakash pandey
- we should make a bacup and restore utility for ubuntu like in windows it will make it more professional
aakash pandey
- Bugs needed to improve in ubuntu
aakash pandey
- Where to find this
aakash pandey
Last message date:
Fri Jul 30 21:42:54 UTC 2010
Archived on: Tue Sep 29 17:41:50 UTC 2020
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