How to use the new Launchpad status?

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Wed Jul 7 22:41:12 UTC 2010

On Wednesday, July 07, 2010 18:34:41 Micah Gersten wrote:
> On 07/07/2010 01:08 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > On Wednesday, July 07, 2010 13:17:19 Bruno Girin wrote:
> >> On Wed, 2010-07-07 at 11:48 -0400, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> >>> On Wednesday, July 07, 2010 11:29:36 Evan wrote:
> >>>> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Bruno Girin <brunogirin at>
> > 
> > wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, 2010-07-07 at 09:53 -0500, Benjamin Root wrote:
> >>>>>> Sounds like to me that it is a finer grained version of "Invalid".
> >>>>>> The idea being that rather than possibly insulting the OP with an
> >>>>>> "Invalid" statement, one could mark it as "Opinion" where it is
> >>>>>> effectively closed, but leaves open the possibility that it might
> >>>>>> have to be revisited later.
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> I guess this helps to distinguish between the bugs that are
> >>>>>> blatantly Invalid and the bugs that might be a little bit more
> >>>>>> ambiguous.
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> At least, that is my interpretation...
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> Thanks, that sounds like a sensible interpretation. So in terms of
> >>>>> triaging, if the bug is one that we would normally set to invalid
> >>>>> because even though the software does not behave as the OP thinks it
> >>>>> should, the reasons for changing it are not clear cut, we would
> >>>>> assign it the Opinion status rather than the Invalid status.
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> I suspect that in this case, bugs in that status should also have a
> >>>>> severity of Wishlist?
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> A new standard response to use when setting bugs to that status would
> >>>>> be good. What about the following?
> >>>>> 
> >>>>>        Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping
> >>>>>        to make Ubuntu better. While we appreciate that the software
> >>>>>        does not behave as you expect, we consider that it is a
> >>>>>        matter of opinion whether it should be changed to accommodate
> >>>>>        your requirement. This bug is being set to "Opinion" to
> >>>>>        indicate that, although we do not consider it invalid, we
> >>>>>        will not start work on resolving it until we are satisfied
> >>>>>        that there are enough details on how to change the software
> >>>>>        without
> >>>>>        compromising usability or existing features.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Great. I find the last sentence a bit of a mouthful though. How about:
> >>>>        Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to
> >>>>        make Ubuntu better. While we appreciate that the software does
> >>>>        not behave as you expect, we consider it a matter of
> >>>>        opinion whether or not the behavior should be changed as you
> >>>>        suggest. This bug is being set to "Opinion" to indicate
> >>>>        that. Although we do not consider it invalid, we will not start
> >>>>        work on resolving it until we have a solution that solves your
> >>>>        problem without compromising existing functionality and
> >>>>        usability.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Just my two cents,
> >>>> Evan
> >>> 
> >>> I'd prefer we don't use it at all.  I get stacks of bug mail with not
> >>> very useful discussion already.  Just about the last thing we need to
> >>> do in the bug tracker is encourage more of it.
> >> 
> >> This is why the Launchpad devs are currently working on new subscription
> >> features which should allow to have more control over what lands in your
> >> mailbox. Once that's available, you should be able to significantly
> >> reduce the amount of email you're not interested in.
> > 
> > Future features that may some day reduce the amount of unwanted bug mail
> > I get aren't relevant to the current discussion.
> > 
> >>> If a bug is Invalid or Won't Fix, then the bug tracker isn't the right
> >>> place to discuss it.
> >> 
> >> Well, if they added that new status, it's because they identified that
> >> there's a need for it. You do have bugs that are reported that are
> >> really a matter of opinion as to whether they should be addressed or
> >> not. And now that it's there, we (as BugSquad) will have to deal with it
> >> one way or another.
> > 
> > This wouldn't be the first time a feature with minimal or negative
> > utility got added to Launchpad.
> > 
> > My recommendation is if you see it set, have a canned answer along the
> > lines of "This is not a bug status that is used in Ubuntu (although
> > other projects hosted on Launchpad may use it).  The bug status is being
> > changed back to [whatitwasbefore]."
> > 
> > Scott K
> Here's the response that hggdh proposed on the bugsquad list:
> Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and help make Ubuntu
> better. This bug is being marked OPINION; this indicates we will not
> work on it, but all are free to express their opinions. It is possible
> that, in the future, we may revisit this bug.
> If Ubuntu isn't going to use the status, this should be decided soon and
> the appropriate lists should be copied.
Let's put it the other way around.  Ubuntu has not decided to use this satus, 
so people shouldn't assume we have.

Scott K

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