Integrate "Apt-linker" into all Ubuntu Browsers

Micah Gersten micahg at
Fri Jul 16 01:06:32 UTC 2010

On 07/15/2010 07:49 PM, Ryan Oram wrote:
> Micah Gersten wrote on Fri Jul 16 01:41:52 BST 2010:
>> I don't think we should install something like this by default.  If the
>> license is open source, why not package it?  If people want it, they can
>> install it.
> I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be made default and integrated
> into existing extensions like ubufox (it's just Javascript, similar to
> how Apple makes phone numbers links on the iPhone, so you can click on
> them to dial them). It breaks nothing and only serves to make the life
> of new users much easier.
> It's a win-win.
> Ryan

Ubufox adds menu options and a way to manage plugins.  It does not
change content in the web browser.  We shouldn't change web pages for
people by default.

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