Ubuntu AppUpdate

Ryan Oram ryanoram at trentu.ca
Sat Jul 10 00:16:17 UTC 2010

On Sat Jul 10 00:34:53 BST 2010, Joao Pinto wrote:
> I am sorry but you are not correct, GetDeb only does packaging when such is
> required, we try to avoid redundant work and package forking. Re-using
> Ubuntu, Debian and PPAs building rules is a requirement if you intend to
> minimize dependency conflicts with official packages. However we will not
> use a developer's PPA or someone else build rules if we don't find them to
> have sufficient quality.
> We did a lot packaging because we have provided many applications before
> they were packaged anywhere else.

As my service uses Launchpad, I can directly copy the packages from
the developer PPAs without even needing to recompile. This reduces a
lot of overhead in terms of keeping all the packages up to date. Any
drawbacks of directly copying the packages from PPAs are addressed by
the week long testing period, where the packages will be verified that
they work and that they were built properly. Any package that does not
pass inspection or testing will be immediately removed from the
Testing PPA.


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