May 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 11 23:57:11 BST 2007
Ending: Thu May 31 23:15:11 BST 2007
Messages: 158
- xine -jack
- Linuxsampler y Qsampler error
Miguel Angel
- Linuxsampler y Qsampler error
Miguel Angel
- Linuxsample
Miguel Angel
- Linuxsampler & UbuntuStudio
Miguel Angel
- Linuxsampler working in UbuntuStudio
Miguel Angel
- Muy bueno
Luis de Bethencourt
- Re: Pequeño fallo..
Luis de Bethencourt
- Re: Pequeño fallo..
Luis de Bethencourt
- Sobre OpenOffice
Luis de Bethencourt
- Hello everybody, first message
Luis de Bethencourt
- Hello everybody, first message
Luis de Bethencourt
- Error de dibujo en paneles....
Luis de Bethencourt
- Error de dibujo en paneles....
Luis de Bethencourt
- Hello everybody, first message
Luis de Bethencourt
- Another new user
Luis de Bethencourt
- Another new user
Luis de Bethencourt
- Laptop Install Problems
Luis de Bethencourt
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
Luis de Bethencourt
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
Luis de Bethencourt
- Linuxsampler y Qsampler error
Luis de Bethencourt
- More folders in the menu?
Luis de Bethencourt
- CD version
Luis de Bethencourt
- Puredata and sounds. I dont hear anything
Luis de Bethencourt
- Wannabe user - 3 questions
Luis de Bethencourt
- Emerald theme
Cal Brower
- Emerald theme
Cal Brower
- Emerald theme
Cal Brower
- Emerald theme
Cal Brower
- kernel patch
Mark Stuart Burge
- setting up
Mark Stuart Burge
- Wannabe user - 3 questions
Mark Stuart Burge
- motu timepiece
Jean-Raymond CIVETTA
- Inkscape?
Jacob Creedon
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
Jacob Creedon
- error on install
Jacob Creedon
- iso file
Jacob Creedon
- Jack & Audacity
Jack Dalton
- No MIDI playback
Grzegorz Galezowski
- Puredata and sounds. I dont hear anything
Javier Garcia
- Puredata and sounds. I dont hear anything
Javier Garcia
- setting up
Artur Gouvea
- iso file
Artur Gouvea
- No MIDI playback
Artur Gouvea
- setting up
Artur Gouvea
- Hello everybody, I'm new, I've a problem...
Artur Gouvea
- problems with gdm
Erno Horvath
- killall esd or not?
audio Idaro
- error on install
Øyvind Jarsve
- error on install
Øyvind Jarsve
- No MIDI playback
Gustin Johnson
- Sound card advise
Greg Jones
- EMU 0404 USB driver
Julien Jovis
- Linuxsample
Fabien Juchniewicz
- Pequeño fallo..
Cory K.
- test
Cory K.
- Error de dibujo en paneles....
Cory K.
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
Cory K.
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
Cory K.
Cory K.
- Another new user
Cory K.
- Another new user
Cory K.
- More folders in the menu?
Cory K.
- Linuxsampler y Qsampler error
Cory K.
- CD version
Cory K.
- CD version
Cory K.
- kernel patch
Cory K.
- Ardour splice mode
Cory K.
- E machine
Cory K.
- Hello everybody, I'm new, I've a problem...
Cory K.
- Emerald theme
Cory K.
- Emerald theme
Cory K.
- Wannabe user - 3 questions
Fernando M Lacerda
- Hello everybody, first message
Rob Landon
- Laptop Install Problems
Rob Landon
- Laptop with ATI x600
Rob Landon
- Ubuntu Studio Videos Wanted
John Little
- Muy bueno
- Sobre OpenOffice
- Video too slow with MPlayer
D. Michael McIntyre
- JACK getting insane number of xruns
D. Michael McIntyre
- SOLVED: Re: Video too slow with MPlayer
D. Michael McIntyre
- JACK getting insane number of xruns
D. Michael McIntyre
- More folders in the menu?
Florian Neyret
- latency with ADI AD1988B
Hartmut Noack
- Jack & Audacity
Hartmut Noack
- JACK getting insane number of xruns
Hartmut Noack
- Jack & Audacity
Hartmut Noack
- CD version
Matthew Polashek
- CD version
Matthew Polashek
- CD version
Matthew Polashek
- CD version
Matthew Polashek
- E machine
Douglas Pollard
- iso file
Douglas Pollard
- Jack & Audacity
Adrien ROBIN
- Jack & Audacity
Adrien ROBIN
- Installing
Ratbag Radio
- Linuxsampler y Qsampler error
Andre Schmidt
- Linuxsampler & UbuntuStudio
Andre Schmidt
- Inkscape?
Jussi Schultink
- Hi all
Luke Simmonds
- Installing
Toby Smithe
- tascam us 122
Toby Smithe
- Hello everybody, I'm new, I've a problem...
Toby Smithe
- Hello everybody, I'm new, I've a problem...
Toby Smithe
- Problems with the Berhinger BCF-2000 and Ardour
Rick Sutphin
- Using Tranzport with Ardour
Rick Sutphin
- Congratulations for GNU developers
- Another new user
Glenn Thomas
- Another new user
Glenn Thomas
- Another new user
Glenn Thomas
- Another new user
Glenn Thomas
- Another new user
Glenn Thomas
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
Glenn Thomas
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
Glenn Thomas
- No MIDI playback
Cody Tubbs
- Sound card advise
João Del Valle
- Hello everybody, first message
Jaime Villarreal
- Hello everybody, first message
Jaime Villarreal
- latency with ADI AD1988B
Vedran Vucic
- setting up
Vedran Vucic
- No MIDI playback
Joseph Wakeling
- No MIDI playback
Joseph Wakeling
Jason Weaver
- More folders in the menu?
Gord Williams
- Hello everybody, I'm new, I've a problem...
Fabio Buda [mbutUbuntu]
- Hello everybody, I'm new, I've a problem...
Fabio Buda [mbutUbuntu]
- problems with gdm
Fabio Buda [mbutUbuntu]
- EMU 0404 USB driver
Fabio Buda [mbutUbuntu]
- problems with gdm
Fabio Buda [mbutUbuntu]
- Jack & Audacity
Fabio Buda [mbutUbuntu]
- Puredata and sounds. I dont hear anything
- Inkscape?
- Error de dibujo en paneles....
- Hello everybody, first message
laurent.bellegarde at
- Hello everybody, first message
laurent.bellegarde at
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
laurent.bellegarde at
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
laurent.bellegarde at
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
laurent.bellegarde at
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
laurent.bellegarde at
- video editing software in ubuntu studio
laurent.bellegarde at
- first use of ardour gtk2, how to ???
laurent.bellegarde at
- first use of ardour gtk2, how to ???
laurent.bellegarde at
- No MIDI playback
leyoy at
- No MIDI playback
leyoy at
- Jack & Audacity
leyoy at
- Aldrin 0.11
hollunder at
- first use of ardour gtk2, how to ???
yves laisné
- xine jack
yves laisné
- Ardour splice mode
yves laisné
- latency with ADI AD1988B
nilitonilito nilitonilito
- Sound card advise
nilitonilito nilitonilito
- Pequeño fallo..
- Driver - M-Audio Firewire Delta 410
- Driver - M-Audio Firewire Delta 410
- Driver - M-Audio Firewire Delta 410
- tascam us 122
- tascam us 122
Last message date:
Thu May 31 23:15:11 BST 2007
Archived on: Thu May 31 23:12:51 BST 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).