Jack & Audacity

Hartmut Noack zettberlin at linuxuse.de
Mon May 28 22:28:58 BST 2007

Adrien ROBIN schrieb:

> Secondly, I have a problem with Jack and Audacity : in fact, if I start
> Audacity when Jackd runs, it gets a huge number of XRUNS (about 1000 in
> two seconds) and ends crashing. 

Audacitys jacksupport is poor at best, it uses the portaudio-system to
connect to jackd, wich I never have seen working really Okayish. I run
Audacity using aoss and connect it to my second soundcard, that is not
used by jack (but is connected via my mixer to jacks pcm_in ;-) )

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