Linuxsampler y Qsampler error

Cory K. coryisatm at
Sat May 19 18:39:12 BST 2007

Miguel Angel wrote:
> Hello, Thanks for your responses.
> It's more complicated. You can install Qsampler and its dependencies directly 
> from repositories, no problem until here, but when you download sources or 
> binaries of Linuxsampler you will need libgig as a dependency, however there 
> is only libgig3c2 in Ubuntu reppositories. 
> I,ve tried to compile other versions of Linuxsampler and rpm, s converted to 
> deb, but no luck.
> Thanks for your interest.
> PD: thanks to liusbg for translate me. I don't know it,s an English forum,
> and sorry for my poor English.
> Miguel Angel.
It is a English forum and your English is fine. :)

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