Linuxsampler working in UbuntuStudio

Miguel Angel pulimail at
Mon May 21 18:45:54 BST 2007

I,ve got it. 
First I removed qsampler, linuxsampler and  dependencies 
(liblscp,liblscp-dev,libgig3c2 and libgig-dev) that I tried to install 

After this I downloaded cvs sources as say in

it's important compiling and installing in this order:

1. compile libgig 
and install the three created packages (libgig, libgig-dev and gigtools)

2. linuxsampler
and install in this order liblinuxsampler,liblinuxsampler-dev and linuxsampler

3. liblscp
and install liblscp,liblscp-dev

4. qsampler
and install qsampler.deb

5. gigedit (need install libgtkmm-2.4-dev to compile)
and install the gigedit package

to compile go into each sources folder and write in terminal:

make -f Makefile.cvs
./configure && make
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b

after this, instal the .deb packages created in ../ with gDebi

UbuntuStudio and 64Studio are the best multimedia distros I have probe.

Thanks to all. Cheers.

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