Hello everybody, I'm new, I've a problem...

Toby Smithe tsmithe at ubuntu.com
Mon May 28 08:59:16 BST 2007

On Mon, 2007-05-28 at 03:59 +0200, Fabio Buda [mbutUbuntu] wrote:
> Hello folks, I'm Fabio Buda and I study Electronic Music.
> I'm falling in love with Ubuntustudio but I must give you a bad
> news.. :-(
> sometimes the system crashes, doesn't respond to the ping or to ssh
> connections... If I have a tty session I obtain this kind of message:
> [1295.610000] BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!
> and then
> [1381.468000] rt61mlmEnqueue: full, msg dropped and may corrupt MLME

That looks like it may be coming from the rt61 driver. Do you use an
ralink wireless card? I suggest you file a bug in the kernel for both of
the above.

> so this is a very strange problem: some weeks ago I used Kubuntu 6.10
> and it never crashed!!!!

Well, that's a regression and should be reported.

> the system crashes with both lowlatency and generic kernel.

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