
Ratbag Radio ratbagradio at
Sat May 12 05:41:05 BST 2007

Just to clarify: UbuntuStudio is a standalone install that is on par
with, say, a Feisty CD? It is a release unto itself.

It isn't an upgrade as such but a complete package that carries the
core  attributes  of Feisty 's engineering but with a major skewer
toward media? Thats' the hook. Then you get the options:

How cool is that...!

Install tutorial is in the works, right (as Unbustu says)? And while
the UbuntuStudio site is down --we can expect  that next week the
business will be opening its doors for passionate custom?

Personally, as an aside, I'd prefer a bulletin board forum setup
rather than an email one ... especially as there doesn't seem to be
post archiving on offer from this egroup platform. So I won't get to
search the domain....and us ignoramuses need to do a lot of homework
like that.

But hey! Thanks so much for your effort, dedication and such. I'm
excited big time. And your blood's worth bottling....

dave riley
Ratbag Radio Network:
Phone:07 33331805
Email/GoogleTalk RRN: ratbagradio at

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