March 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Mar 2 00:56:25 UTC 2015
Ending: Tue Mar 31 19:02:38 UTC 2015
Messages: 154
- What's the future of Juju?
Mark Ramm-Christensen (
- What's the future of Juju?
Mark Ramm-Christensen (
- Juju Powered Openstack + Ceph Networking Concerns
James Beedy
- Openstack Service Networking
James Beedy
- Exporting bundles yaml from juju command (not just juju-gui)
Ryan Beisner
- What's the future of Juju?
Cory Benfield
- Juju devel 1.23-beta1 is released
Aaron Bentley
- Juju devel 1.23-beta1 is released
Aaron Bentley
- MAAS deploy failing
Daniel Bidwell
- requirements for
Daniel Bidwell
- Memory constraints and lxc containers
Stuart Bishop
- Memory constraints and lxc containers
Stuart Bishop
- New Docker goodies
Stuart Bishop
- [Review Queue] apache2, kibana, squid-reverseproxy
David Britton
- Windows charm support
Alexis Bruemmer
- vCloud Director Support
Alexis Bruemmer
- What's the future of Juju?
Alexis Bruemmer
- [Review Queue] ksplice and cassandra
Matt Bruzek
- Interested in a Docker Hackathon?
Matt Bruzek
- [Review Queue] trusty/jenkins
Matt Bruzek
- [Review Queue] flannel-docker, docker
Matt Bruzek
- [Review Queue] Cassandra spike
Matt Bruzek
- [Review Queue] galera-cluser
Matt Bruzek
- State of the "Best Practices Guide"
Charles Butler
- DrupalCon Latin America 2015 - Juju Hackfest
Charles Butler
- Making juju visible on your lan
Charles Butler
- [Review Queue] mumble-server, python-moinmoin
Charles Butler
- Charming with Docker
Charles Butler
- Making juju visible on your lan
Charles Butler
- [Review Queue] Galera-Cluster, +fail2ban (precise), wordpress, mysql
Charles Butler
- [Review Queue] Memcached, Owncloud x2, RabbitMQ
Charles Butler
- New Docker goodies
Charles Butler
- New Docker goodies
Charles Butler
- What's the future of Juju?
Charles Butler
- Bundle Watcher
Charles Butler
- [Review Queue] Postgresql Integration Tests
Charles Butler
- [Review Queue] User questions for the week of 2 March
Jorge O. Castro
- State of the "Best Practices Guide"
Jorge O. Castro
- Call for help for a juju plugin
Jorge O. Castro
- Call for help for a juju plugin
Jorge O. Castro
- Managing sets of charm releases
Jorge O. Castro
- New Docker goodies
Jorge O. Castro
- Recurring Juju Office Hours, starting 26 April
Jorge O. Castro
- Correction: Recurring Juju Office Hours, starting 16 April
Jorge O. Castro
- State of the "Best Practices Guide"
Marco Ceppi
- State of the "Best Practices Guide"
Marco Ceppi
- [ANN] Amulet 1.10.0 released
Marco Ceppi
- juju error line 203 environments.yam
Marco Ceppi
- New Docker goodies
Marco Ceppi
- Call for help for a juju plugin
Adam Collard
- Call for help for a juju plugin
Simon Davy
- State of the "Best Practices Guide"
Simon Davy
- juju error line 203 environments.yam
Stephen Drotar
- unit-get and ipv6 addresses
Thierry Fauck at
- State of the "Best Practices Guide"
Thierry Fauck at
- What's the future of Juju?
Nate Finch
- What's the future of Juju?
Nate Finch
- New Docker goodies
Nate Finch
- requirements for
Rafael Gonzalez
- New Error With juju-deployer
Richard Harding
- new juju quickstart 2.0 and releases of and the Juju GUI
Richard Harding
- new juju quickstart 2.0 and releases of and the Juju GUI
Richard Harding
- new and Juju GUI release
Richard Harding
- requirements for
Jason Hobbs
- Juju devel 1.22-beta5 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- juju 1.22.0 is proposed for release
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Windows charm support
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Juju stable 1.22.0 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Juju devel 1.23-beta2 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- [Review Queue] mumble-server, python-moinmoin
Adam Israel
- [Review Queue] postgresql
Adam Israel
- [Review Queue] apache2, kibana, squid-reverseproxy
Adam Israel
- [Review Queue] apache2, kibana, squid-reverseproxy
Adam Israel
- [Review Queue] memcached x3
Adam Israel
- [Review Queue] nrpe-external-master, kibana, jenkins, ubuntu, apache2, rabbitmq-server
Adam Israel
- [Review Queue] nrpe
Adam Israel
- [Review Queue] memcached x2
Adam Israel
- [Review Queue] postgresql
Adam Israel
- New Docker goodies
Adam Israel
- New Docker goodies
Adam Israel
- New Docker goodies
Adam Israel
- New Docker goodies
Adam Israel
- Trying out the services framework. Is this a bug or a feature?
Adam Israel
- Trying out the services framework. Is this a bug or a feature?
Adam Israel
- [Review Queue] docker, flannel-docker, kibana, & nrpe
Cory Johns
- [Review Queue] kibana & nagios tests (follow-up)
Cory Johns
- New Docker goodies
Cory Johns
- Reg Juju Api
Rajendar K
- wishlist: charm bundle for Read The Docs
Zygmunt Krynicki
- unit-get and ipv6 addresses
Jake Kugel
- unit-get and ipv6 addresses
Jake Kugel
Fabrice Matrat
- [Review Queue] neutron-calico related charms and gpfs
Kevin Monroe
- People Need to Decide between Juju and Docker or how newbies need to thing ?
Whit Morriss
- [Review Queue]
Whit Morriss
- presenting a poster on juju at PyCon 2015
Whit Morriss
- [Review Queue]
Whit Morriss
- People Need to Decide between Juju and Docker or how newbies need to thing ?
Vahric Muhtaryan
- vCloud Director Support
Vahric Muhtaryan
- vCloud Director Support
Vahric Muhtaryan
- unit-get and ipv6 addresses
Dimiter Naydenov
- unit-get and ipv6 addresses
Dimiter Naydenov
- What's the future of Juju?
Michael Nelson
- Regain access to environment after losing .jenv file
Jorge Niedbalski
- Exporting bundles yaml from juju command (not just juju-gui)
Jorge Niedbalski
- Exporting bundles yaml from juju command (not just juju-gui)
Jorge Niedbalski
- Windows charm support
Dan Ports
- Windows charm support
Dan Ports
- Windows charm support
Dan Ports
- No subject
Robert Prestigiacomo
- neutron-api plugin data: config vs relation
Antoni Segura Puimedon
- Exporting bundles yaml from juju command (not just juju-gui)
Bryan Quigley
- requirements for
Matt Rae
- PXE hanging
Matt Rae
- juju error line 203 environments.yam
José Antonio Rey
- systemd support in juju
Antonio Rosales
- systemd support in juju
Antonio Rosales
- [Review Queue] AppScale, IBM MQ, IBM GPFS, Ubuntu, RabbitMQ
Antonio Rosales
- Making juju visible on your lan
Halimaton Saadiah
- Making juju visible on your lan
Halimaton Saadiah
- Multi-user Juju Questions
Ali Saidi
- DrupalCon Latin America 2015 - Juju Hackfest
- What's the future of Juju?
Merlijn Sebrechts
- What's the future of Juju?
Merlijn Sebrechts
- Trying out the services framework. Is this a bug or a feature?
Merlijn Sebrechts
- What's the future of Juju?
Merlijn Sebrechts
- What's the future of Juju?
Merlijn Sebrechts
- Memory constraints and lxc containers
Mark Shuttleworth
- Windows charm support
Mark Shuttleworth
- Juju Powered Openstack + Ceph Networking Concerns
Mark Shuttleworth
- Memory constraints and lxc containers
Mark Shuttleworth
- [Review Queue] flannel-docker, docker
Mark Shuttleworth
- What's the future of Juju?
Mark Shuttleworth
- Multi-user Juju Questions
Mark Shuttleworth
- PXE hanging
Mark Shuttleworth
- vCloud Director Support
Eric Snow
- What's the future of Juju?
Eric Snow
- presenting a poster on juju at PyCon 2015
Eric Snow
- [Review Queue] sugarcrm, kibana tests
Tim Van Steenburgh
- requirements for
- requirements for
- PXE hanging
- failed BMC
- commissions are failing
- juju ssh key
- State of the "Best Practices Guide"
Nick Veitch
- What's the future of Juju?
Nick Veitch
- nrpe and nrpe-external-master charms
Liam Young
- PXE hanging
Sameer Zeidat
- Regain access to environment after losing .jenv file
- wishlist: charm bundle for Read The Docs
sheila miguez
- wishlist: charm bundle for Read The Docs
sheila miguez
- New Docker goodies
sheila miguez
- Exporting bundles yaml from juju command (not just juju-gui)
Nicolas Thomas
Last message date:
Tue Mar 31 19:02:38 UTC 2015
Archived on: Tue Mar 31 19:03:04 UTC 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).