Reg Juju Api

Rajendar K k.rajendar at
Mon Mar 2 00:56:25 UTC 2015

Hi Kapil,
                Thanks for your reply.  Here's my detailed query...

On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 8:10 PM, Kapil Thangavelu <kapilt at> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 7:48 PM, Rajendar K <k.rajendar at> wrote:
>> Hi Kapil,
>>            Thanks for your clear description about my queries.
>> I have installed and configured juju and set cloud provider as LXC.
>> As you mentioned,
>> *(i) the juju environment will automatically do that for you, else you
>> can checkout one out via vcs and deploy it as a local charm. (see docs)*
>> Whether i need to deploy in LXC?

*For Eg: ( Turnkey Linux, User can download the appliances and can deploy
on their environment,*
*it could be any hypervisor like xen, kvm,etc...). It has also option to
deploy on cloud environment directly.*
*User download the image format w.r.t to the hypervisor and get use of

*Is there any provision to do that in charm store ( as i could related
charm store ...that of the appliance repository...)?*

> i'm not sure what your asking. To deploy something
> you can either
> $  juju deploy mysql
> or if you want to edit the charm you can
> $ mkdir trusty
> $ cd trusty
> $ bzr branch lp:charms/trusty/mysql
> $ juju deploy local:trusty/mysql
>> Is there any references/tutorials available for deploying on specific
>> hypervisor?.
> there are docs for various providers at
> lxc is not technically a hypervisor, local provider supports either kvm or
> lxc.
> -k
>> thanks and regards
>> Raj
>> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Kapil Thangavelu <kapilt at>
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 8:05 PM, Rajendar K <k.rajendar at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>                 Thanks for your kind reply.
>>>> It makes me to understand better about juju..
>>>> Here are my few queires..
>>>> *(i) Each charm starts with a "blank" machine, like "centos6" or
>>>> "trusty" or"windows8", and then does what it needs to do to add the service
>>>> itdescribes to that machine. So for each cloud you just need to know
>>>> whatthe "blank" machine image is for the OS versions your charms will
>>>> use.IN future we might support creating snapshots which can be reused
>>>> forfaster startup of additional machines. [Mark]*
>>>> - I very much impressed with the way of the drag and drop of the VM
>>>> deployment.
>>>> My question is about, how the deployment of VMs made from the charm
>>>> store. [ the way i drag
>>>> and drop from charm store]. It means the image format handled at charm
>>>> store is neutral or
>>>> how it is being handled to cater across the clouds.?
>>> The charms specify a symbolic identifier for an os name & version aka
>>> the series which is resolved in each cloud using simple stream tools which
>>> maps those symbolic names to actual images in each cloud. For all the major
>>> public clouds simple streams are published for users. For private clouds or
>>> smaller public clouds, the user has to manage that process themselves.
>>> Specifically the case of smaller public clouds typically entails either
>>> re-using the manual provider (ie client side api automation with ssh or
>>> userdata initialization) or writing a cloud provider for juju.  There are
>>> several client side plugins using manual provider extant (digitalocean,
>>> softlayer, etc).
>>> The source tree for juju ( contains the
>>> various provider implementations extant.
>>>> (ii) Reg configuration management ( building relations)
>>>>       How the configuration management is handled? [ not for creation
>>>> of new charms].
>>>> Existing charms how the configuration is being made ( by drawing the
>>>> relation between the VMs]?
>>>> For eg : Wordpress with Mysql
>>>> IS the relation already pre-defined on each charm.[how the IP and
>>>> hostname being exchanged across
>>>> the VMs].
>>> relations form a bi-directional communcation channel across which this
>>> information is carried and actions taken out. ie. mysql upon receiving a
>>> new client relation will create a new logical db, user, password and pass
>>> along with its address along the relation to its client.
>>> the charms themselves declare in metadata their relations by interface.
>>> ie. mysql declares it provides the mysql interface, wordpress declares it
>>> requires the mysql interface, alternate implementations of those interfaces
>>> are readily interchagable. ie. using amazon aurora/rds for mysql.
>>>> (iii) How to download and use charms from charmstore?
>>> atm the charm store contains charm artifacts pulled from vcs in
>>> launchpad. there are a few mirrors or dual published charms to github as
>>> well.
>>>>         I need to download charm from charmstore and boot on
>>>> KVM/hypervisor.
>>> the juju environment will automatically do that for you, else you can
>>> checkout one out via vcs and deploy it as a local charm. (see docs).
>>>> Also it would be useful, if you could let details the format (image
>>>> format) managed at charm store.
>>> there are no images being managed by the charm store, just the symbolic
>>> identifier as described above embedded in the charm typically at publishing
>>> time.
>>> cheers,
>>> Kapil
>>>> with thanks and regards,
>>>> Raj
>>>> On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 10:19 PM, Mark Shuttleworth <mark at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 25/02/15 11:30, Rajendar K wrote:
>>>>> >           Quite new to this forum.
>>>>> Welcome!
>>>>> > I would like to know the details about the juju-API for
>>>>> communication to
>>>>> > public clouds (Amazon, etc).(where i can download
>>>>> > and start using)
>>>>> There is code built into Juju that knows about each cloud; we call that
>>>>> a "provider", it's like a driver for the cloud, and it maps what Juju
>>>>> needs to the API of that particular cloud. Those are usually written in
>>>>> Go and built into Juju core itself; the libraries can typically be
>>>>> reused in your own Go project easily enough and we would take patches
>>>>> if
>>>>> they were helpful for others too.
>>>>> If you have a cloud that speaks an entirely new API, there is a
>>>>> short-cut to getting up and running, which is called a plug-in. The
>>>>> plug-in runs on the client, not the server, and basically allows you to
>>>>> use shell scripts that talk to your cloud, and have Juju call those
>>>>> when
>>>>> it needs to do things like start a new machine. The machines are
>>>>> started
>>>>> by your shell script, then Juju remotely logs in to the machine and
>>>>> "manually" configures it. There are a few sets of plug-ins for popular
>>>>> clouds that don't yet have full providers built-in to Juju.
>>>>> > I have my own cloud infrastructure, is it possible to call those
>>>>> APIs for
>>>>> > managing VMs across Cloud platforms?
>>>>> Yes, if your cloud talks a common API like AWS or OpenStack, then you
>>>>> can probably use the native API support built in to Juju, otherwise I
>>>>> would suggest you start with a plug-in and then write a Go provider
>>>>> when
>>>>> you think it's time to do so.
>>>>> > Also i would like to know about juju charms, especially the image
>>>>> > management how it is being handled.?
>>>>> Each charm starts with a "blank" machine, like "centos6" or "trusty" or
>>>>> "windows8", and then does what it needs to do to add the service it
>>>>> describes to that machine. So for each cloud you just need to know what
>>>>> the "blank" machine image is for the OS versions your charms will use.
>>>>> IN future we might support creating snapshots which can be reused for
>>>>> faster startup of additional machines.
>>>>> Does that answer your question?
>>>>> Mark
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