What's the future of Juju?

Eric Snow eric.snow at canonical.com
Fri Mar 27 19:50:32 UTC 2015

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Mark Shuttleworth <mark at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> In my travels now I am glad to say I see a shift in the way people
> engage with us about Juju. It used to be "why would you want to compete
> with Puppet?" but now folks understand that we do not want to compete
> with Puppet, we want to come up a level and enable people to collaborate
> and reuse their puppet / chef / bash / python across different clouds
> and environments.
> That focus on collaboration and reuse is what makes Juju special. In the
> long run we will integrate Juju into places like HEAT so you get the
> benefit of charms, together with the underlying cloud information about
> performance, so that things like autoscaling are magical, but in the
> short term it's easy to think the projects compete. But folks are
> starting to understand that now, so I don't get asked "why do you not
> just do HEAT?".
> I also think that it will emerge that there are many levels of
> orchestration; Juju will be the BEST for the lowest level of
> infrastructure orchestration, but people will use Juju to deploy things
> like PAAS which themselves offer a kind of orchestration. So end-users
> might use a PAAS, which is like a model or API or orchestration system,
> and underneath that, administrators will use Juju for the base level. We
> won't try to push Juju into every layer; just like we have kept MAAS and
> Juju separate with different interests and different responsibilities,
> so now the Chef guys are happy to use MAAS, which is good for us both.

Yay to all of this!  I'm presenting a poster on juju at PyCon in a
couple weeks and this is exactly the focus of it.

> Now, of course, those companies also do a lot of OTHER things :) so I
> can't say they will all move solely to Juju because they naturally will
> not. But smart folks are seeing what you see - the model is amazing. And
> if we are able to get the next round of model pieces in place - status,
> network, disk - then we'll be able to do some really incredible rapid
> deployment and service evolution things.


> My biggest concern at the moment is that I think it's too hard to add
> interfaces to existing charms. I think about adding say a Nagios
> interface to an existing charm - that should be really easy, but I think
> we haven't optimised the whole charm development process very well, so I
> will host the lead charmers at my house next week for a mini sprint so
> they can show me what I'm missing and we can discuss how to make it much
> better.

I'm so glad you are doing this!  In some ways making charm authoring
easier/better is the lowest-hanging fruit for accelerating juju
adoption.  So this sort of effort has a big impact.

> Also, I think we need to really socialise the status work, because it's
> too easy for charms to fail mysteriously, and that makes Juju look bad.
> So automated testing of charms is going to get even more important.



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