presenting a poster on juju at PyCon 2015

Whit Morriss whit.morriss at
Mon Mar 30 20:06:34 UTC 2015

so glad someone is going to pycon! tell the pyramid crew hello for me!

Trying to explain juju can be tricky, doing it on a poster is even
trickier.  You've got lots of great info on your current one, but I would
guess most folks at Pycon won't have any accurate idea of what juju can do
or does.  Thismay be a "less is more" situation due to lack of exposure.
The dry erase idea is really good!

Along those lines, a few thoughts on things pycon attendees might click on:

 - alot of folks at pycon will likely be standing up their infra w/ salt or
   Our support of charming w/ those might warrant a mention on the poster.

 - Key things folks might not know about juju
   * machine provisioning  (w/ cpc images) across N clouds, kvm, containers
*and* metal
   * Peer to peer service discovery and coordination
   * there is a portfolio of services to deploy and coordinate (charm
   * higher level tools for centralized system orchestration (esp. in
     - python juju client
     - juju deployer

 - Our testing tools are almost exclusively python (amulet, bundletester,
etc) and our CI infra for charms and core is a pretty interesting project
in itself.

 - a flow diagram for hook exec helps alot in understanding the the
distributed state & execution machine that is deploying and coordinating w/

The big question you will get is "Why juju vs. ????".   In my experience,
usually the ??? will be something that juju can drive (CM, etc) and the
answer is that juju gives you tools and a language (group of abstractions)
to deal to reason about and manage your infrastructure from a service
oriented perspective rather than from a machine oriented perspective.
 Compared to reasoning about configuration management, juju provides a way
to create reference implementations of complex systems that can be
discussed in a fairly natural way (environment, service, relationships, and
now actions).

IMO encapsulation is perhaps the most interesting property of modelling and
deploying systems w/ juju.  On your poster, I might replace "devops
distilled" (loaded, jargony) w/ something like "service deployment and
coordination encapsulated".   Canonical's work around OpenStack and juju is
a great example about how charms and juju can decompose a big problem to
great effect for improved quality, and flexibility (plus it's a giant
python project charmed in python).  The idea of charming up one's fledgling
startup  or sideproject may not feel quite right (yet) to the average
passerby, but folks dealing with slightly larger problems around
distributing systems among co-workers and clients are likely to recognize
the possible value here.

anyway have a blast! can't wait to hear what all the pythonistas reflect
back :)


On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 1:08 AM, Eric Snow <eric.snow at> wrote:

> Hey all,
> At the poster session (12 April) at PyCon 2015, I'll be presenting on
> Juju. [1]  I'm excited to be sharing juju with folks in the Python
> community, particularly with the role that Python plays in dev ops as
> well as in Juju.  The first draft of my poster (big: 120cm x 120cm) is
> pretty much done and I'd like to get some feedback.
> Please let me know what you think, what you like, and what I should
> fix.  Keep in mind that I haven't worked too closely with the charm
> side of juju core and I've only written one simple charm myself.  So
> it's likely I have missed something important and also have a few
> mistakes in there.  I've attached a PDF and the ODG file is online.
> [2]
> As well note that the presentation format is highly interactive and
> amounts to me and one or more people standing around the poster
> talking about it.  Different conference-goers will stop by over the
> course of 3-ish hours.  I plan on laminating the poster so I can draw
> on it with dry-erase markers (hence the relative sparseness).
> Thanks!
> -eric
> [1]
> [2]
> --
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D. Whit Morriss
Developer, Juju Ecosystem
Canonical USA
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