New Docker goodies

Adam Israel adam.israel at
Fri Mar 27 19:54:36 UTC 2015

And here's a docker image of juju trunk:

    docker run -ti -v $HOME/.juju-trunk:/home/ubuntu/.juju

This is a nightly build of trunk, for those of us who want to explore
the bleeding edge. The image contains the go compiler, git, and the
source installed under ~/.go/. It does not, however, persist any changes
you might make (although I can add support for that if anyone is

On 2015-03-27 12:23 PM, Adam Israel wrote:
> Addendum: the actual command to run is:
>     docker run -ti -v $HOME/.juju-1.23:/home/ubuntu/.juju
> adamisrael/juju-1.23
> On 2015-03-27 11:43 AM, Adam Israel wrote:
>> I just finished building a docker image for anyone who wants to test
>> juju 1.23-beta2 in a clean environment. By default, it'll setup a
>> new, persistent environment:
>>     docker run -ti adamisrael/juju-1.23 -v
>> $HOME/.juju-1.23:/home/ubuntu/.juju
>> I intend to maintain images for each released version of juju, as
>> well as a nightly build of trunk.
>> Issues, suggestions, and pull requests welcome:
>> On 2015-03-27 10:16 AM, Charles Butler wrote:
>>> Using the docker box  is a complete isolation from your local
>>> system. We're building docker images to scratch some itches:
>>> - Run latest juju in full isolation so we can test the new features
>>> as they land
>>> - Isolate dependencies during charm reviews. (00-setup as sudo on
>>> your system leaves WHAT behind exactly?)
>>> - A portable method to try things, and get other users started
>>> - Doing something interesting? commit a layer and share it! 
>>> There's more implications here than I have listed - but it's a good
>>> start to see why we are exploring the distribution of dockerfiles
>>> for juju client usage. 
>>> All the best,
>>> Charles Butler <charles.butler at
>>> <mailto:charles.butler at>> - Juju Charmer
>>> Come see the future of datacenter orchestration:
>>> On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 12:04 PM, Nate Finch
>>> <nate.finch at <mailto:nate.finch at>> wrote:
>>>     What does this do that just using the juju binary on your local
>>>     system doesn't do? 
>>>     On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Jorge O. Castro
>>>     <jorge at <mailto:jorge at>> wrote:
>>>         Hi everyone,
>>>         First, if you haven't seen this yet, this is a docker
>>>         container that
>>>         let's you just try Juju, with the limitation that you can't
>>>         do the
>>>         local provider.
>>>         -
>>>         -
>>>         And here's the new bits, Cory Johns has been working on
>>>         making a juju
>>>         docker container that is more useful for charm developers
>>>         and testers
>>>         (so it's a bit larger than the jujubox)
>>>         -
>>>         -
>>>         Again the limitation is you can't use the local provider,
>>>         however if
>>>         you're testing on public clouds then you should see dramatic
>>>         workflow
>>>         speed vs. using the vagrant boxes.
>>>         PRs and feedback all welcome!
>>>         --
>>>         Jorge Castro
>>>         Canonical Ltd.
>>> - Automate your Cloud Infrastructure
>>>         --
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