DrupalCon Latin America 2015 - Juju Hackfest

Charles Butler chuck at dasroot.net
Tue Mar 3 02:51:40 UTC 2015

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This is an awesome write up. Really glad to see you had such a great
turn out as well! Congrats on the successful hackathon!

On 03/02/2015 01:14 PM, Sebastian wrote:
> Hey there! just giving a report of how was the DrupalCon in
> Bogotá, Colombia and of course the great Hackfest, which was
> sponsored by Ubuntu and Bluehost.
> First of all, thanks to Jorge Castro for make it happen o/
> The main motivation of the Ubuntu sponsoring was to spread the Juju
> and the Drupal charm (still WIP).
> I was one of the two (co-chair Kris Buytaert) DevOps track chairs,
> was part of my contribution getting in touch with possible speakers
> and organizations which would be interested in sponsor the event. 
> Also, I had a session approved "DevOps, where to start?" 
> <https://latinamerica2015.drupal.org/session/devops-por-donde-comenzar>,
and at the end I talked about Juju as part of my vision of the greatest
> tool for DevOps. There where a lot of questions and people
> interested in Juju and the Drupal charm. One of the questions that
> always repeat is, "it works with CentOS or RedHat?".
> After that I was planning to do the Drupal charm hackfest at the
> end of the event
> <https://latinamerica2015.drupal.org/program/schedule/thursday>,
> but! shit happens, and the internet was almost dead. So imagine how
> painfully was watching a slow download of one package taking like
> more than 30min, so while that was happening, a lot of people
> where getting around and asking how Juju and the charms actually
> works.
> Here was the good part, Juju for them was like a big pandoras box
> full of black magic. And that changed after explaining how all
> works, where to find documentation, difference between juju-core
> and juju-local, WTF is Linux containers, and finally, what is a
> charm.
> At the end of the day, the Drupal charm gained a lot of stars, and
> some important people of the community interested in contribute
> with the charm.
> *I can say that two main results where noticed:* 1. New people of
> the Drupal community now knows more about Juju. 2. The Drupal charm
> is known, and we are gonna see good contributions in a near
> future.
> Some photos and posts about the event: - Photos: #1 
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxFl4s0pHC9ZQ3JBaEs2eDN3V00/view?usp=sharing>,
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxFl4s0pHC9ZWVdOY19LSGZPaHc/view?usp=sharing>,
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxFl4s0pHC9ZLVlmN1ZPUFFBbU0/view?usp=sharing>,
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxFl4s0pHC9ZclhPU043eEZzMEk/view?usp=sharing>
, #5
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxFl4s0pHC9ZbkkyODhjYmMxYmM/view?usp=sharing>,
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxFl4s0pHC9ZcnlMTlpBNGNNWmc/view?usp=sharing>,
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxFl4s0pHC9ZRlE1cXlSRWxIbU0/view?usp=sharing>
> #8 
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxFl4s0pHC9ZVGFvTDU5ZVpIbjQ/view?usp=sharing>
> - Post about the event (in pt-br) 
> <http://blog.taller.net.br/a-taller-na-drupalcon-latam-2015/> -
> Slides (in spanish) 
> <http://www.slideshare.net/Tallerws/devops-por-donde-comenzar-drupalcon-latin-america-2015-44844606>
>  *[Off-topic]* Knowing some of the struggle of start using Juju in
> any machine, in the past we (me and Charles Butler) where thinking
> about doing a Juju plugin to deliver a more smooth workflow using
> Vagrant. But recently decided to do a small MVP, and called vju
> (vagrant + juju) <https://github.com/sebas5384/vju>. I wanna inform
> this, because it was used in the hackfest to show a our workflow at
> Taller <http://taller.net.br>.

- -- 
Charles Butler <charles.butler at ubuntu.com>
Juju Charmer - http://jujucharms.com
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