[Review Queue] docker, flannel-docker, kibana, & nrpe

Cory Johns cory.johns at canonical.com
Fri Mar 6 15:39:02 UTC 2015

Hey all,

Kevin, Amir, and I took on a few reviews, mainly focused on the new
Docker charm submissions by Charles Butler, but also continuing to
address the slew of test additions by nicopace, as well as some
follow-ups to our previous reviews.

+ docker
    An interesting and exciting foray into a general "framework" charm
for deploying applications using Docker containers with Juju to
orchestrate them, this charm looks good so far, save for a few minor
documentation and test improvements.

+ flannel-docker
    An add-on subordinate for the previously mentioned Docker charm to
enable networking between containers, this also looks like a good
start for this charm.  The same suggested test improvements applied,
and there was an issue with the lint checking, but otherwise it looked

+ nrpe (tests)
    Another of the many test additions by nicopace, they all pass and
look good, earning our +1.

+ kibana (tests, follow-up)
    A follow-up to our previous review, we realized that the failure
we had gotten previously was actually due to the "for p in ports"
bug[1] between Juju core and jujuclient.  This bug has been fixed and
I believe is pending an updated release.

[1]:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1425435

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