October 2012 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Oct 15 13:05:55 UTC 2012
Ending: Wed Oct 31 14:03:05 UTC 2012
Messages: 196
- [uds-announce] [UbuntuWomen] Planning Ubuntu Women dinner :)
Na'Tosha Bard
- [uds-announce] [UbuntuWomen] Planning Ubuntu Women dinner :)
flavia at weisghizzi.it
- [uds-announce] [UbuntuWomen] Planning Ubuntu Women dinner :)
Na'Tosha Bard
- [uds-announce] [UbuntuWomen] Planning Ubuntu Women dinner :)
Na'Tosha Bard
- [uds-announce] A Sunday walk in the Swedish woodlands?
David Henningsson
- [uds-announce] A Sunday walk in the Swedish woodlands?
Rohan Garg
- [uds-announce] A Sunday walk in the Swedish woodlands?
José Antonio Rey
- [uds-announce] A Sunday walk in the Swedish woodlands?
Domas Monkus
- [uds-announce] A Sunday walk in the Swedish woodlands?
Carla Sella
- [uds-announce] A Sunday walk in the Swedish woodlands?
Steve Riley
- [uds-announce] A Sunday walk in the Swedish woodlands?
Michael G. Vlachos
- [uds-announce] A Sunday walk in the Swedish woodlands?
Ian Santopietro
- [uds-announce] A Sunday walk in the Swedish woodlands?
David Henningsson
- [uds-announce] Amazon Dev Days @ UDS
Jorge O. Castro
- [uds-announce] Antwort: Re: Darktable experience
michael.zaugg at oas.uzh.ch
- [uds-announce] Antwort: Re: Darktable experience
Jim Nelson
- [uds-announce] Arriving to CPH
Ayrton Araújo
- [uds-announce] Automated Testing Awesomeness
Daniel Holbach
- [uds-announce] Automated Testing Awesomeness
Daniel Holbach
- [uds-announce] Automated Testing Awesomeness
Daniel Holbach
- [uds-announce] Automated Testing Awesomeness
Nicholas Skaggs
- [uds-announce] Blogging Event: 12 Noon on Wednesday
Randall Ross
- [uds-announce] Blogging Event: 12 Noon on Wednesday
Jono Bacon
- [uds-announce] Blogging Event: 12 Noon on Wednesday
Michael Hall
- [uds-announce] Blogging Event: 12 Noon on Wednesday
José Antonio Rey
- [uds-announce] Blogging Event: 12 Noon on Wednesday
Nicholas Skaggs
- [uds-announce] Call for lightning talks
Evan Dandrea
- [uds-announce] Charger for Sony Camera
Mariana Ignatios
- [uds-announce] Clock's change this week-end
Marianna Raffaele
- [uds-announce] Clock's change this week-end
Benjamin Kerensa
- [uds-announce] Clock's change this week-end
Chris Johnston
- [uds-announce] Clock's change this week-end
Thierry Carrez
- [uds-announce] Code of Conduct review during Community Roundtable on Wednesday morning
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [uds-announce] Copenhagen squash
Martin Packman
- [uds-announce] Copenhagen squash
Thor Dekov Buur
- [uds-announce] Copenhagen squash
Martin Packman
- [uds-announce] Darktable experience
Thomas Bushnell, BSG
- [uds-announce] Darktable experience
Eric Gregory
- [uds-announce] Design theatre at UDS
Ivo Weevers
- [uds-announce] Design Track on Tuesday
Ivo Weevers
- [uds-announce] Development workshops at UDS
Daniel Holbach
- [uds-announce] Development workshops at UDS
James Hunt
- [uds-announce] Development workshops at UDS
Oussama Bounaim
- [uds-announce] Development workshops at UDS
Daniel Holbach
- [uds-announce] Development workshops at UDS
Barry Warsaw
- [uds-announce] Dinner for the others?
Thomas Bushnell, BSG
- [uds-announce] Dinner for the others?
Gabor Kelemen
- [uds-announce] Dinner for the others?
Gustavo Niemeyer
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Göran Gustafsson
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Göran Gustafsson
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Colin Watson
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Göran Gustafsson
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Steve Riley
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Seth Forshee
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
anders at jenbo.dk
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Göran Gustafsson
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman
- [uds-announce] Dual Boot Installation with Ubuntu
anders at jenbo.dk
- [uds-announce] Enjoy Sharing Weekend Tips
Dodo Gall
- [uds-announce] Etherpad Team
Laura Czajkowski
- [uds-announce] European Adaptor
Omer Akram
- [uds-announce] European Adaptor
Thomas Mashos
- [uds-announce] European Adaptor
Bhavani Shankar R
- [uds-announce] European Adaptor
Anders Jenbo
- [uds-announce] European Adaptor
Bhavani Shankar R
- [uds-announce] European Adaptor
Free Ekanayaka
- [uds-announce] European Adaptor
Keld Simonsen
- [uds-announce] European Adaptor
Anders Jenbo
- [uds-announce] Google Hangout for Remote Participants
Benjamin Kerensa
- [uds-announce] Have hundreds of USB flash - that don't work on Ubuntu
Benjamin Bach
- [uds-announce] Have hundreds of USB flash - that don't work on Ubuntu
Benjamin Bach
- [uds-announce] Have hundreds of USB flash - that don't work on Ubuntu
Ante Karamatić
- [uds-announce] I am subscribed twice
Ritesh Khadgaray
- [uds-announce] IT Manager session part 2
Laura Czajkowski
- [uds-announce] Join us for Amazon Dev Days held daily from 3-5pm (Auditorium 10+11)
Michelle Surtees-Myers
- [uds-announce] Karaoke Tonight
Max Brustkern
- [uds-announce] Karaoke Tonight
Bruno Girin
- [uds-announce] KDE dinner tonight 18:45 hotel entrance
Jonathan Riddell
- [uds-announce] Local advice for dinner
Jeff Lane
- [uds-announce] Local advice for dinner
Daniel van Vugt
- [uds-announce] Local advice for dinner
Claire Newman
- [uds-announce] Local advice for dinner
José Antonio Rey
- [uds-announce] Local advice for dinner
Benjamin Bach
- [uds-announce] Local advice for dinner
Jeff Lane
- [uds-announce] Local advice for dinner
Carlos Pinto
- [uds-announce] Local advice for dinner
Teo Klestrup Röijezon
- [uds-announce] looking for a bluetooth mouse
Alex Chiang
- [uds-announce] looking for a bluetooth mouse
Alex Chiang
- [uds-announce] Mass (not MAAS) in Copenhagen
Scott Moser
- [uds-announce] Planning Ubuntu Women dinner :)
flavia at weisghizzi.it
- [uds-announce] Prepaid SIM card with unlimited data?
Heikki Keränen
- [uds-announce] Prepaid SIM card with unlimited data?
Mario Limonciello
- [uds-announce] Prepaid SIM card with unlimited data?
Steve Riley
- [uds-announce] Prepaid SIM card with unlimited data?
Brad Crittenden
- [uds-announce] Prepaid SIM card with unlimited data?
Pruitt, John
- [uds-announce] Question about Nexus 7 installation
Steve Riley
- [uds-announce] Question about Nexus 7 installation
Alex Chiang
- [uds-announce] Question about Nexus 7 installation
"Anders Jenbo [Føniks A/S]"
- [uds-announce] Question about Nexus 7 installation
Bruno Girin
- [uds-announce] Reminder: Meet & Greet Welcome Event tonight from 7pm in Hall A3 & A2
Marianna Raffaele
- [uds-announce] REMINDER: Task card prize draw today
Michelle Surtees-Myers
- [uds-announce] Renting Bikes
Joseph Mills
- [uds-announce] Renting Bikes
Mario Limonciello
- [uds-announce] Renting Bikes
Eric Gregory
- [uds-announce] Renting Bikes
Pete Woods
- [uds-announce] Renting Bikes
Benjamin Bach
- [uds-announce] Renting Bikes
Søren Bredlund Caspersen
- [uds-announce] Renting Bikes
Keld Simonsen
- [uds-announce] Renting Bikes
Ahmann, Philipp (ADITG/SW2)
- [uds-announce] Renting Bikes
Na'Tosha Bard
- [uds-announce] Request to borrow a pair of headphones/headset.
Luke Yelavich
- [uds-announce] Request to borrow a pair of headphones/headset.
Jonathan Carter
- [uds-announce] Request to borrow a pair of headphones/headset.
Luke Yelavich
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Jeff Lane
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Mario Limonciello
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Thomas Bushnell, BSG
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Robert Bruce Park
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Martin Pitt
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Ricardo Ribalda Delgado
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Sergio Zanchetta
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Silvia Bindelli
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Mario Limonciello
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Mario Limonciello
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Scott Sweeny
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Jeff Lane
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Jeff Lane
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Jeff Lane
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Robert Bruce Park
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Alex Chiang
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
hato corp
- [uds-announce] Staying after?
Na'Tosha Bard
- [uds-announce] Surfers and hosts, unite!
Benjamin Bach
- [uds-announce] Surfers and hosts, unite!
Marten Susebeek
- [uds-announce] Task cards
Michelle Surtees-Myers
- [uds-announce] Three US-to-European adaptors, free to good homes
Charles Kerr
- [uds-announce] Thunderbird imap users, please upgrade
Micah Gersten
- [uds-announce] Thunderbird users in Copenhagen - please upgrade to 16.0.2!
Chris Coulson
- [uds-announce] Time Travel Tip
Jonathan Carter
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Keld Simonsen
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Adilson Oliveira
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Keld Simonsen
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Anders Jenbo
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Ayrton Araújo
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Seth Arnold
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Michael Hall
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Ahmann, Philipp (ADITG/SW2)
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Benji York
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Benjamin Bach
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Nicola 'teknico' Larosa
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Mario Limonciello
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Nicoara Jan Catalin
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Jan Catalin Nicoara
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Alex Chiang
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Nicola 'teknico' Larosa
- [uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones
Benjamin Bach
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu beginners team lunch meeting today
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu beginners team lunch meeting today
Sergio Meneses
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu beginners team lunch meeting today
Bhavani Shankar R
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu Nordic LoCo informal meet and greet
Christoffer Holmstedt
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu Nordic LoCo informal meet and greet
Anders Jenbo
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu Nordic LoCo informal meet and greet
Jussi Kekkonen
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu Nordic LoCo informal meet and greet
Pasi Lallinaho
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu Nordic LoCo informal meet and greet
Sergio Meneses
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu Nordic LoCo informal meet and greet
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu Nordic LoCo informal meet and greet
Na'Tosha Bard
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu Nordic LoCo informal meet and greet
Christoffer Holmstedt
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu Nordic LoCo informal meet and greet
Timo Jyrinki
- [uds-announce] Ubuntu Nordic LoCo informal meet and greet
Sam Juvonen
- [uds-announce] UDS Design Track on Wednesday
Ivo Weevers
- [uds-announce] UDS Group Photo - Wed 31 Oct
Marianna Raffaele
- [uds-announce] Using Summit at UDS-R
Chris Johnston
- [uds-announce] Using Summit at UDS-R
Benjamin Drung
- [uds-announce] Using Summit at UDS-R
Jeff Lane
- [uds-announce] Using Summit at UDS-R
Chris Johnston
- [uds-announce] Using Summit at UDS-R
Chris Johnston
- [uds-announce] Using Summit at UDS-R
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
michael.zaugg at oas.uzh.ch
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
Michael G. Vlachos
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
atul jha
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
Nick Barcet
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
David Partain
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
Nick Barcet
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
Jane Silber
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
Thorsten Rhau
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
michael.zaugg at oas.uzh.ch
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
Nick Barcet
- [uds-announce] What sessions should an IT-Manager (and non-developer) attend at the UDS?
Michael G. Vlachos
- [uds-announce] Yoga @ UDS
Marianna Raffaele
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 14:03:05 UTC 2012
Archived on: Wed Oct 31 14:35:27 UTC 2012
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).