[uds-announce] tivoli, glyptoteket, traffic zones

Benji York benji.york at canonical.com
Sat Oct 27 14:33:42 UTC 2012

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Adilson Oliveira
<adilson at canonical.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a question: when a buy the metro ticket between the airport and Bella
> Center should I buy 2 or 3 zones?

2 Zones. You may want to go ahead and buy a 10 trip, 2 zone card if you
are going to be using the Metro much.  You can still use it to go more
than 2 zones, you will just have to punch it more than once.

> Also, where do I need to change lines?

You will get on the M2 (the end of the M2 line is at the airport) going
toward Vanløse and get off at Christianshavn.  At Christianshavn you
will get on the M1 going toward Vestamager and get off at Belle Center.

When you get off you will be able to see the giant, oddly-shaped hotel.
Benji York

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