February 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Feb 1 01:59:54 UTC 2016
Ending: Thu Feb 25 21:42:35 UTC 2016
Messages: 136
- [lubuntu-devel] volunteers to confirm bug - leafpad erases files over SMB
Mark V. Bertolina (cpunet)
- [lubuntu-devel] Some stuff I learnt whilst installing lubuntu 15.10 64 bit desktop image
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] Some stuff I learnt whilst installing lubuntu 15.10 64 bit desktop image
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu 16.04 hardware requirements
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] DVD Inserts, Interesting fonts
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu user guide
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: 14.04.4 RC images (20160216)
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu user guide
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu user guide
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 18
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu guide
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu guide
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu guide
Ian Bruntlett
- [lubuntu-devel] New Ubuntu Flavours download page
Michael Hall
- [lubuntu-devel] [lubuntu-users] Lubuntu PPC 16.04 lxpanel/weather does not work
Herminio Hernandez, Jr.
- [lubuntu-devel] LXQT on PowerPC
Herminio Hernandez, Jr.
- [lubuntu-devel] New Ubuntu Flavours download page
Alfredo Hernández
- [lubuntu-devel] [lubuntu-users] Lubuntu PPC 16.04 lxpanel/weather does not work
Herminio Hernandez Jr.
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu IRC meeting in 10 minutes
Herminio Hernandez Jr.
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Herminio Hernandez Jr.
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Herminio Hernandez Jr.
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Herminio Hernandez Jr.
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Herminio Hernandez Jr.
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Herminio Hernandez Jr.
- [lubuntu-devel] [lubuntu-users] Lubuntu PPC 16.04 lxpanel/weather does not work
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] [lubuntu-users] Lubuntu PPC 16.04 lxpanel/weather does not work
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] xenial daily images coming soon
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] xenial daily images coming soon
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] xenial alternates fixed, trusty point release next week
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] New Ubuntu Flavours download page
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu IRC meeting in 10 minutes
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: Preparing for 14.04.4 release on Feb 18
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] [Blueprint lubuntu-testcases-xenial] Lubuntu Testcase Revisions for Xenial Xerus
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu Testcases Blueprint
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] trusty 14.04.4 milestone images now available!
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] There is a new version of 14.04.4 (dated 20160215) at the testing tracker. Happy testing //
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] There is a new version of 14.04.4 (dated 20160215) at the testing tracker. Happy testing //
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: 14.04.4 RC images (20160216)
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: 14.04.4 RC images (20160216)
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu user guide
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: 14.04.4 RC images (20160217)
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] 14.04.4 LTS Alternate image for PPC
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] 14.04.4 LTS Alternate image for PPC
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] DOCUMENTATION HELP NEEDED! (was: Re: lubuntu user guide)
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: 14.04.4 RC images (20160217)
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu Trusty Tahr 14.04.4 LTS now available
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: [Bug 1532364] Re: Shutter silently fails
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Red bug #1547518 affects today's isotesting
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Red bug #1547518 affects today's isotesting
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Red bug #1547518 affects today's isotesting
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu Xenial Xerus 16.04 LTS Beta 1 milestone images available, due Thursday 25 Feb
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] new Beta 1 images available with ubiquity fix!
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: Xenial Xerus Beta 1
Walter Lapchynski
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] 14.04.4 LTS Alternate image for PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] 14.04.4 LTS Alternate image for PPC
Lars Noodén
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 24
Jim Northrop
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 32 - How to Test Beta ?
Jim Northrop
- [lubuntu-devel] New Ubuntu Flavours download page
Brendan Perrine
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu IRC meeting in 10 minutes
Brendan Perrine
- [lubuntu-devel] [Blueprint lubuntu-testcases-xenial] Lubuntu Testcase Revisions for Xenial Xerus
Brendan Perrine
- [lubuntu-devel] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547956
Brendan Perrine
- [lubuntu-devel] [Blueprint lubuntu-testcases-xenial] Lubuntu Testcase Revisions for Xenial Xerus
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] [Blueprint lubuntu-testcases-xenial] Lubuntu Testcase Revisions for Xenial Xerus
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] [Blueprint lubuntu-testcases-xenial] Lubuntu Testcase Revisions for Xenial Xerus
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] [Blueprint lubuntu-testcases-xenial] Lubuntu Testcase Revisions for Xenial Xerus
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] [Blueprint lubuntu-testcases-xenial] Lubuntu Testcase Revisions for Xenial Xerus
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu Testcases Blueprint
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 18
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu Trusty Tahr 14.04.4 LTS now available
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu guide
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu guide
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 24
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 24
Simon Quigley
- [lubuntu-devel] screen time-out
Henk Terhell
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 24
Henk Terhell
- [lubuntu-devel] Some stuff I learnt whilst installing lubuntu 15.10 64 bit desktop image
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] meta package
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] Some stuff I learnt whilst installing lubuntu 15.10 64 bit desktop image
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] Some stuff I learnt whilst installing lubuntu 15.10 64 bit desktop image
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu 16.04 hardware requirements
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu 16.04 hardware requirements
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: Preparing for 14.04.4 release on Feb 18
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] There is a new version of 14.04.4 (dated 20160215) at the testing tracker. Happy testing //
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] There is a new version of 14.04.4 (dated 20160215) at the testing tracker. Happy testing //
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: 14.04.4 RC images (20160216)
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] 14.04.4 LTS Alternate image for PPC
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] lubuntu user guide
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 18
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: [Bug 1532364] Re: Shutter silently fails
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 18
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] picture at GetLubuntu/LTS
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] Red bug #1547518 affects today's isotesting
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] Red bug #1547518 affects today's isotesting
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547956
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547956
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547956
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] new Beta 1 images available with ubiquity fix!
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547956
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547956
Phill. Whiteside
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu IRC meeting in 10 minutes
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] There is a new version of 14.04.4 (dated 20160215) at the testing tracker. Happy testing //
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] Fwd: 14.04.4 RC images (20160216)
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] No Sound in 14.04.4-beta on PPC
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] picture at GetLubuntu/LTS
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] man seems to be using primitive 'more' rather than 'less'
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] Red bug #1547518 affects today's isotesting
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] Red bug #1547518 affects today's isotesting
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu alternate testcase with encrypted disk (and encrypted home)
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu alternate testcase with encrypted disk (and encrypted home)
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] the keyboard setting is changed (and did not 'survive')
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu Xenial Xerus 16.04 LTS Beta 1 milestone images available, due Thursday 25 Feb
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu Xenial Xerus 16.04 LTS Beta 1 milestone images available, due Thursday 25 Feb
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547956
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547956
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] bug #1549529, failure to install a non-US-English keyboard
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547956
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547956
Nio Wiklund
- [lubuntu-devel] xenial daily images coming soon
walterorlin at gmail.com
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 18
jim northrop
- [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 25
jim northrop
- [lubuntu-devel] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1547956
joern.schoenyan at web.de
Last message date:
Thu Feb 25 21:42:35 UTC 2016
Archived on: Thu Feb 25 21:42:46 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).