[lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu Testcases Blueprint

Simon Quigley tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 11 23:06:18 UTC 2016


I have created a blueprint last night for test cases and I wanted to
send an email to this list to clear any confusion.

The blueprint[1] was created to organize the massive Lubuntu testcase
overhaul. In order to prepare for the Xenial Xerus, an LTS, which makes
testing twice as critical, I wanted to make sure all of our testcases
are pristine to ensure the quality of Lubuntu.

So if you are someone, especially an existing QA tester(to "scratch
your own itch", per say :) ), that wants something extra to do, give us
a hand. Our main priority is to get LXQt testcases created and ready so
that when the Y cycle comes around (as far as I remember that is our
planned release of Lubuntu with LXQt), we have testcases ready. So if
you are already part of the LXQt project, we could ESPECIALLY use your
help, because we want to ensure that these are as clear and concise as
possible. After that is settled, we need to update the existing Lubuntu
(LXDE) testcases in order to ensure that Lubuntu 16.04 releases very

So we have a list of testcases that need looking at on the blueprint
page. The instructions are pretty clear, but to clarify:

1. Select a testcase from the todo list
2. Make sure no outstanding bugs on the manual testcase LP page exist
for the testcase, if they do, skip to step 4
3. Create a bug describing what needs to happen
4. Assign the bug to yourself and mark it as "In Progress"
5. Remove the item from the list
6. Link the bug report on the blueprint page
7. Complete the testcase and make a merge proposal
8. Mark the bug as Fix Committed
9. Work with the reviewer to make sure that it is ready to go, and the
reviewer will mark the bug as Fix Released
10. In the blueprint whiteboard, by the example, put your name and bug
number by the Completed section

Also, this is for Package QA. If someone feels inclined to review ISO
QA testcases as well, then by all means go ahead.

If anybody has any questions/comments/concerns, I'm tsimonq2 on
Freenode or stop by #lubuntu-devel.

[1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/lubuntu-next/+spec/lubuntu-testcas

Have a nice day,
Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
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