[lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu Testcases Blueprint

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 12 01:47:37 UTC 2016

super excited about this! i should mention that we can mark items in
process rather than removing them. probably make for a better work flow.

@wxl | http://polka.bike
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On Feb 11, 2016 3:06 PM, "Simon Quigley" <tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have created a blueprint last night for test cases and I wanted to send
> an email to this list to clear any confusion.
> The blueprint[1] was created to organize the massive Lubuntu testcase
> overhaul. In order to prepare for the Xenial Xerus, an LTS, which makes
> testing twice as critical, I wanted to make sure all of our testcases are
> pristine to ensure the quality of Lubuntu.
> So if you are someone, especially an existing QA tester(to "scratch your
> own itch", per say :) ), that wants something extra to do, give us a hand.
> Our main priority is to get LXQt testcases created and ready so that when
> the Y cycle comes around (as far as I remember that is our planned release
> of Lubuntu with LXQt), we have testcases ready. So if you are already part
> of the LXQt project, we could ESPECIALLY use your help, because we want to
> ensure that these are as clear and concise as possible. After that is
> settled, we need to update the existing Lubuntu (LXDE) testcases in order
> to ensure that Lubuntu 16.04 releases very smoothly.
> So we have a list of testcases that need looking at on the blueprint page.
> The instructions are pretty clear, but to clarify:
> 1. Select a testcase from the todo list
> 2. Make sure no outstanding bugs on the manual testcase LP page exist for
> the testcase, if they do, skip to step 4
> 3. Create a bug describing what needs to happen
> 4. Assign the bug to yourself and mark it as "In Progress"
> 5. Remove the item from the list
> 6. Link the bug report on the blueprint page
> 7. Complete the testcase and make a merge proposal
> 8. Mark the bug as Fix Committed
> 9. Work with the reviewer to make sure that it is ready to go, and the
> reviewer will mark the bug as Fix Released
> 10. In the blueprint whiteboard, by the example, put your name and bug
> number by the Completed section
> Also, this is for Package QA. If someone feels inclined to review ISO QA
> testcases as well, then by all means go ahead.
> If anybody has any questions/comments/concerns, I'm tsimonq2 on Freenode
> or stop by #lubuntu-devel.
> [1]
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/lubuntu-next/+spec/lubuntu-testcases-xenial
> Have a nice day,
> Simon Quigley
> tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
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