[lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu alternate testcase with encrypted disk (and encrypted home)

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 08:49:13 UTC 2016


I tested the Lubuntu alternate Xenial i386 beta1 testcase with encrypted
disk (and encrypted home). It works, but there is no feedback, when the
passphrase for encrypted disk is entered.

I noticed that the passphrase is shown correctly in the corresponding
Ubuntu amd64 version, when it is installed with encrypted disk. So it
seems the problem is specific to Lubuntu (maybe to Lubuntu alternate).

This problem is inherited from alpha.

The testcase is passed with a number of minor bugs. This means that it
should be straightforward to run the other (and more basic) testcases.

Best regards

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