[lubuntu-devel] xenial daily images coming soon

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Mon Feb 8 20:27:35 UTC 2016

So, xenial alternates are dead in the water since the 4th (sorry I didn't
notice; blame the Super Bowl) due to a merge issue with
initramfs-tools-bin, the mechanism used for constructing the base system.
Unfortunately, in this case, though we share the debian-installer image
with Ubuntu Server, they use a different mechanism and are unaffected. The
Release Team expects to have this fixed tomorrow.

No similar problems with the xenial live images, but we did have a
transient problem with amd64 that is now fixed, so it is version 20160208.1.
@wxl | http://polka.bike
Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA
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