[lubuntu-devel] 14.04.4 LTS Alternate image for PPC

Lars Noodén lars.nooden at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 19:49:56 UTC 2016

On 02/17/2016 09:19 PM, Walter Lapchynski wrote:
> No. Because of problems with debian-installer, we haven't been able to
> provide alternates for any architectures for most of the point releases.
> Since the updates are largely HWE (read: kernel updates), it's easy enough
> for people without the ability to use DVDs/USBs to simply upgrade within
> the system itself.
> This, incidentially, is already covered in the release notes:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu#Workarounds_Available

Thanks.  Perhaps that note can be carried forward to the upcoming
section on 14.04.4 by Phill or someone with write access?  The wiki page
is immutable for some of us.


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