September 2007 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Sep 1 23:11:40 UTC 2007
Ending: Sun Sep 30 22:25:25 UTC 2007
Messages: 87
- Maybe OT: launch installer from xen kernel images
- DocDay - Friday, September the 7th
Mathias Gug
- delete wiki server talk page from 2005?
Neal McBurnett
- delete wiki server talk page from 2005?
Mathias Gug
- delete wiki server talk page from 2005?
Neal McBurnett
- delete wiki server talk page from 2005?
Mathias Gug
- delete wiki server talk page from 2005?
Malcolm Yates
- pam 0.99
Kees Cook
- Upcoming Ubuntu Server Meeting - Tuesday, 11th of September - 15:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting
Mathias Gug
- server blueprint review
Neal McBurnett
- Server Team 2007-09-11 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
- virtualization in Ubuntu Server
Sander van Vugt
- virtualization in Ubuntu Server
Malcolm Yates
- virtualization in Ubuntu Server
Ben Collins
- virtualization in Ubuntu Server
Malcolm Yates
- Virtualization in Ubuntu Server
Sander van Vugt
- Virtualization in Ubuntu Server
Dave Kempe
- virtualization in Ubuntu Server
- virtualization in Ubuntu Server
Neal McBurnett
- virtualization in Ubuntu Server
Malcolm Yates
- Virtualization in Ubuntu Server
Malcolm Yates
- Strategic Partnerships in the works
Joseph Guarino
- Virtualization in Ubuntu Server
Dan Trevino
- File Server Tasks
Neal McBurnett
- File Server Tasks
David Kempe
- File Server Tasks
Soren Hansen
- New Server Tasks
Nicolas Barcet
- New Server Tasks
Soren Hansen
- New Server Tasks
Scott Kitterman
- New Server Tasks
Leonel Nunez
- New Server Tasks
Jamie Strandboge
- New Server Tasks
Ante Karamatic'
- New Server Tasks
Ante Karamatic'
- New Server Tasks
Scott Kitterman
- New Server Tasks
Soren Hansen
- New Server Tasks
Soren Hansen
- How to determine if a Perl-module is installable via apt
Ingo Lantschner
- How to determine if a Perl-module is installable via apt
Andreas Olsson
- How to determine if a Perl-module is installable via apt
Leonel Nunez
- Upcoming Ubuntu Server Meeting - Tuesday, 25th of September - 15:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting
Mathias Gug
- server blueprint review
Neal McBurnett
- DELL/HP management software for Ubuntu?
Rönnblom Janåke /Teknous
- Fwd: DELL/HP management software for Ubuntu?
- DELL/HP management software for Ubuntu?
Rick Clark
- Fwd: DELL/HP management software for Ubuntu?
Rönnblom Janåke /Teknous
- Server Team 2007-09-27 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
- DELL/HP management software for Ubuntu?
Haas, Gisbert
- landscape vs puppet
Dave Kempe
- Bi-monthly to weekly meetings for ubuntu-server community
Nicolas Barcet
- Bi-monthly to weekly meetings for ubuntu-server community
Dave Kempe
- Bi-monthly to weekly meetings for ubuntu-server community
Neal McBurnett
- Server Team 2007-09-27 meeting minutes
Dan Trevino
- Server Team 2007-09-27 meeting minutes
Scott Kitterman
- Server Team 2007-09-27 meeting minutes
Paul Schulz
- Bi-monthly to weekly meetings for ubuntu-server community
Nicolas Barcet
- DELL/HP management software for Ubuntu?
Alessandro Fernandes Martins
- DELL/HP management software for Ubuntu?
- landscape vs puppet
Steve George
- ubuntu-server Digest, Vol 21, Issue 16
Loye Young
- ubuntu-server Digest, Vol 21, Issue 16
Loye Young
- ubuntu-server Digest, Vol 21, Issue 16
Soren Hansen
- lanscape sans support - was Re: landscape vs puppet
Calvin Browne
- landscape vs puppet
Tollef Fog Heen
- Server team contact
Joseph Guarino
- Server team contact
Soren Hansen
- Living on Texas Time
Loye Young
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Mathias Gug
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Ante Karamatic'
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Nicolas Barcet
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Ante Karamatic'
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Leonel Nunez
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Jamie Strandboge
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Dave Thacker
- ubuntu-server Digest, Vol 21, Issue 16
Evan Klitzke
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Mathias Gug
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Mathias Gug
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Mathias Gug
- libapache packages unmetdeps
Luca Falavigna
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Leonel Nunez
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Leonel Nunez
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Leonel Nunez
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Mathias Gug
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Leonel Nunez
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Ante Karamatić
- Ubuntu Server 7.10 Beta is looking for testers
Ante Karamatić
- gutsy beta server install network configuration drupal apache rewrite
Jim Tarvid
- drupal docs for
Jim Tarvid
Last message date:
Sun Sep 30 22:25:25 UTC 2007
Archived on: Mon Feb 13 23:29:06 UTC 2017
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).