November 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Nov 1 09:56:32 GMT 2006
Ending: Thu Nov 30 22:06:34 GMT 2006
Messages: 108
- Hello mailing-list
Rubén C. Díaz Alonso 'OuTiMe'
- Hello mailing-list
Rubén C. Díaz Alonso 'OuTiMe'
- No subject
- CoLoCo's Edgy CDs have arrived
Craig Adams
- Ubuntu Team Latvia revived!
Danko Alexeyev
- LoCo Open Day
Jono Bacon
- Docs ToDo List
Jono Bacon
- LoCo Open Day
Jono Bacon
- No LoCo Meeting on Nov 14th
Jono Bacon
- Iranian Ubuntu Team website launched
Jono Bacon
- CoLoCo's Edgy CDs have arrived
Jono Bacon
- Bosnian Loco Team
Jono Bacon
- LoCo Meeting today at 4pm GMT
Jono Bacon
- LoCo Open Day
Fouad Riaz Bajwa
- Bosnian Loco Team
Emir Beganović
- Bosnian Loco Team
Emir Beganović
- Bosnian Loco Team
Emir Beganović
- Bosnian Loco Team
Emir Beganović
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Mark Van den Borre
- loco-contacts Digest, Vol 18, Issue 9
Mark Van den Borre
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Mark Van den Borre
- mailing list creation request
Mark Van den Borre
- Houston, Texas, USA LoCo Team update
Mark Van den Borre
- [ #23101] mailing list creation request
Mark Van den Borre
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Corey Burger
- post-advertising floss/interoperability event and it's conclusions
Corey Burger
- Iranian Ubuntu Team website launched
Beniamino Caputo
- LoCo Open Day
Jan Claeys
- LoCo Open Day
Jan Claeys
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Jan Claeys
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Jan Claeys
- Maintaining a different mailing list for Loco Users and Translators?
Jan Claeys
- ubuntu members question
Jan Claeys
- Distribution Point ??
Jan Claeys
- Bosnian Loco Team
Jan Claeys
- LoCo Team Subdomain
Jan Claeys
- Houston, Texas, USA LoCo Team update
Jan Claeys
- [ #23101] mailing list creation request
Jan Claeys
- Edgy CD's received
Andi Darmawan
- Calling all LoCo Teams! The UWN needs YOU!
Melissa Draper
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Matthew East
- LoCo Team Subdomain
Matthew East
- Hello mailing-list
Matthew East
- Iranian Ubuntu Team website launched
Christer Edwards
- CoLoCo's Edgy CDs have arrived
Christer Edwards
- ubuntu members question
Christer Edwards
- Distribution Point ??
Ezwan Aizat Bin Abdullah Faiz
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Szilveszter Farkas
- post-advertising floss/interoperability event and it's conclusions
Szilveszter Farkas
- Calling all LoCo Teams! The UWN needs YOU!
Sebastian Heinlein
- post-advertising floss/interoperability event and it's conclusions
Jan Husar
- LoCo Team Subdomain
Jan Husar
- Was[Re: Iranian Ubuntu Team website launched] Now:Troll, do *not* read
- Organizing an install fest where your Loco Team participates
- LoCo Open Day
Richard Johnson
- CoLoCo's Edgy CDs have arrived
Richard Johnson
- ubuntu members question
Richard Johnson
- Ubuntu Team Latvia revived!
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- LoCo Team Subdomain
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- LoCo Team Subdomain
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Ante Karamatić
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Ante Karamatić
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Ante Karamatić
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Ante Karamatić
- Bosnian Loco Team
Ante Karamatić
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Kaspars Krampis
- Houston, Texas, USA LoCo Team update
B.A. Lopez
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Og Maciel
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Og Maciel
- Houston, Texas, USA LoCo Team update
Og Maciel
- CoLoCo's Edgy CDs have arrived
Miguel Angel Ruiz Manzano
- Ensuring Quality in Ubuntu Translations
Carlos Perelló Marín
- Ensuring Quality in Ubuntu Translations
Carlos Perelló Marín
- Ensuring Quality in Ubuntu Translations
Carlos Perelló Marín
- Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10 arrived!
Gonzalo L. Campos Medina
- Forums for LoCo teams
Matthew Nuzum
- loco-contacts Digest, Vol 18, Issue 24
Alberto Pompa
- Organizing an install fest where your Loco Team participates
F. Rodriguez
- Iranian Ubuntu Team website launched
Erdal Ronahi
- Bosnian Loco Team
Robin Sonefors
- New US-Ohio LoCo Team
Steve Stalcup
- CoLoCo's Edgy CDs have arrived
Joey Stanford
- LoCo Team Subdomain
Joseph Terranova
- LoCo Team Subdomain
Joseph Terranova
- LoCo Team Subdomain
Joseph Terranova
- LoCo Team Subdomain
Joseph Terranova
- CoLoCo's Edgy CDs have arrived
Dave Thacker
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
Dave Thacker
- Forums for LoCo teams
Jan Vancura
- Maintaining a different mailing list for Loco Users and Translators?
Jan Vancura
- Maintaining a different mailing list for Loco Users and and Translators?
Jan Vancura
- Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10 arrived!
Jan Vancura
- LoCo Team Subdomain
Jan Vancura
- LoCo Team Subdomain
Jan Vancura
- Iranian Ubuntu Team website launched
gary harrill
- LoCo Open Day
amachu techie
- Ensuring Quality in Ubuntu Translations
amachu techie
- Edgy Cds arrived
amachu techie
- Ensuring Quality in Ubuntu Translations
amachu techie
- How are Loco Team meeting their expenses..
amachu techie
- loco-contacts Digest, Vol 18, Issue 9
amachu techie
- Maintaining a different mailing list for Loco Users and Translators?
amachu techie
- Maintaining a different mailing list for Loco Users and and Translators?
amachu techie
- Ubuntu Installation at my Work Place..
amachu techie
- Getting in touch with NGO and other Social Groups
amachu techie
- Distribution Point ??
amachu techie
- National Youth Day & IT Education Meet
amachu techie
- Update from Tamil Team..
amachu techie
Last message date:
Thu Nov 30 22:06:34 GMT 2006
Archived on: Wed Apr 30 15:45:46 BST 2008
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).