LoCo Open Day

Richard Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 1 19:25:09 GMT 2006

On Wednesday 01 November 2006 13:02, Jan Claeys wrote:
> [*] If Microsoft releases Vista on the same day it might be considered
> "a stunt" on our part and then we would get some press attention,
> because they like controversial topics, but I don't want to wait until
> 2010 before having a LoCoTeam gathering...   ;-)

Sorry, but this just has to be said, offtopic or not:

gahahahahahahah bwhwhwhahahahahahahahahah heheheheheheheheheh muhahahahahhaha

OK, I am better! You just qualified for the Ubuntu QOTD I believe (is there 
even an Ubuntu QOTD?)

.:Richard Johnson
.:nixternal at ubuntu.com
.:ubuntu.com .:kubuntu.com .:edubuntu.com .:xubuntu.com
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