LoCo Open Day

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Wed Nov 1 19:02:23 GMT 2006

Op woensdag 01-11-2006 om 16:31 uur [tijdzone +0000], schreef Jono
> > Why would we want to set one worldwide date for such an event?
> As ever, I am always open to ideas, but I think having a single day has
> more splash. Its a single day when LoCo teams around the world are doing
> things - thats got good press impact, and a single point of focus for
> getting people involved. 

I think that a large part of the (traditional) press probably isn't
really interested in a number of relatively small events all over the
world like this, unless the (local or global) event is also somehow
relevant to their local readers/listeners/spectators for some other
reason[*].  And LoCoTeams need local press coverage more than a news
item on some geeky tech news website, especially when you want to
recruit new users and volunteers outside those geek communities (who
already know Ubuntu by now).

[*] If Microsoft releases Vista on the same day it might be considered
"a stunt" on our part and then we would get some press attention,
because they like controversial topics, but I don't want to wait until
2010 before having a LoCoTeam gathering...   ;-)

Jan Claeys

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