Calling all LoCo Teams! The UWN needs YOU!

Sebastian Heinlein glatzor at
Fri Nov 24 20:11:55 GMT 2006

Quoting Melissa Draper <melissa at>:

> Greetings,
> <marketing team hat>
> Many of you may be aware that the Ubuntu Marketing Team publishes a
> weekly newsletter. This newsletter is arguably currently one of the best
> distribution newsletters available. We are reguarly linked from sites
> such as and, amongst others.
> In our pursuit for newsletter excellence, we are always on the lookout
> for new material. One area we are sorely missing stories from is all the
> marvellous LoCo Teams. We would absolutely love it if you guys could
> pass Ubuntu-related stories from your countries, "upstream" to us.
> So, how can you tell us all the juicy gossip from your corner of the
> world? Simple. Compose an email to ubuntu-marketing at
> with an summary of the article, as much relevant linkage as you can find
> and if the articles are not in english, full english translations would
> be much appreciated.
> Additionally, we strongly encourage interested people to undertake the
> task of localising the UWN into their native language.
> has instructions. This could be a perfect job for newbie translators,
> for example.
> How good can the UWN get? With your help, the possibilities are endless!
> </marketing team hat>

Hi Melissa,

I am currently working on a set of scripts that allow to import the 
weekly news
into Rosetta and recreate a wiki page from the translation that have been done
there. I am doing this for the German translators, but they could also be used
for other languages.



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