August 2008 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Aug 1 07:58:31 BST 2008
Ending: Sun Aug 31 20:32:14 BST 2008
Messages: 306
- [ubuntu-in] Problem in Open Office
ramnarayan.k at
- [ubuntu-in] A Blog On Ubuntu Hardy Heron
- [ubuntu-in] Problem in Open Office
Gaurish Sharma
- [ubuntu-in] [X-post]: [OT]: Like vi-like keybindings based search?
- [ubuntu-in] How to check if a running process is a 32 or 64 bit image?
Vishal Rao
- [ubuntu-in] How to check if a running process is a 32 or 64 bit image?
Bhavani Shankar R
- [ubuntu-in] How to check if a running process is a 32 or 64 bit image?
Gourav Shah
- [ubuntu-in] How to check if a running process is a 32 or 64 bit image?
Vishal Rao
- [ubuntu-in] How to check if a running process is a 32 or 64 bit image?
Vishal Rao
- [ubuntu-in] How to check if a running process is a 32 or 64 bit image?
Bhavani Shankar R
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Onkarshinde! Proud moment for Ubuntu India.
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Onkarshinde! Proud moment for Ubuntu India.
Raseel Bhagat
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Onkarshinde! Proud moment for Ubuntu India.
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Onkarshinde! Proud moment for Ubuntu India.
Bhavani Shankar R
- [ubuntu-in] Problem in Open Office
Priyadarsan Roy
- [ubuntu-in] Problem in Open Office
Jinoy Jose
- [ubuntu-in] OT: Lowcost laptops
ramnarayan.k at
- [ubuntu-in] OT: Lowcost laptops
Mir Nazim
- [ubuntu-in] OT: Lowcost laptops
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Onkarshinde! Proud moment for Ubuntu India.
Francis Bosco
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Onkarshinde! Proud moment for Ubuntu India.
Gaurish Sharma
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Onkarshinde! Proud moment for Ubuntu India.
ம. ஸ்ரீ ராமதாஸ்|Sri Ramadoss M
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations!
Biswajit Dutta Baruah
- [ubuntu-in] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Ubuntu India Site moved
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Ubuntu India Site moved
Pratul Kalia
- [ubuntu-in] system has become unstable
Rohit V Bhute
- [ubuntu-in] Fwd: Ubuntu Global Bug Jam Aug 8 -10 2008
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Onkarshinde! Proud moment for Ubuntu India.
Venkatesh Nandakumar
- [ubuntu-in] system has become unstable
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] system has become unstable
Rohit V Bhute
- [ubuntu-in] system has become unstable
Rohit V Bhute
- [ubuntu-in] Reg Global Bug Jam @ Mumbai
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] Reg Global Bug Jam @ Mumbai
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] Reg Global Bug Jam @ Mumbai
Gaurish Sharma
- [ubuntu-in] system has become unstable
Gaurish Sharma
- [ubuntu-in] system has become unstable
Gaurish Sharma
- [ubuntu-in] Reg Global Bug Jam @ Mumbai
74yrs old
- [ubuntu-in] Reg Global Bug Jam @ Mumbai
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Onkarshinde! Proud moment for Ubuntu India.
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Onkarshinde! Proud moment for Ubuntu India.
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Onkarshinde! Proud moment for Ubuntu India.
- [ubuntu-in] portable external hdd
- [ubuntu-in] portable external hdd
- [ubuntu-in] [X-POST] Ubuntu Global Bug Jam kicks off in India!!!!
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] portable external hdd
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Need Help - Disaster during some fiddling with partitioning tool -
- [ubuntu-in] Need Help - Disaster during some fiddling with partitioning tool -
- [ubuntu-in] Need Help - Disaster during some fiddling with partitioning tool -
- [ubuntu-in] Fwd: VGLUG Re: For Creating The Image of MBR and Partition Table image from linux to windows
- [ubuntu-in] Need Help - Disaster during some fiddling with partitioning tool -
- [ubuntu-in] [X-POST] Ubuntu Global Bug Jam - Report
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] [X-POST] Ubuntu Global Bug Jam - Report
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] Why Linux's desktop market-share is 1%
Hardeep Singh
- [ubuntu-in] Why Linux's desktop market-share is 1%
Mir Nazim
- [ubuntu-in] Why Linux's desktop market-share is 1%
Prateek Sharma
- [ubuntu-in] Why Linux's desktop market-share is 1%
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] Why Linux's desktop market-share is 1%
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] [X-post]: FreeIndians: Akarsh, Shashank, Gopala
- [ubuntu-in] [Announcement] Ubuntu India site now supports OpenId
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] [Announcement] Ubuntu India site now supports OpenId
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] [Announcement] Ubuntu India site now supports OpenId
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] [Announcement] Ubuntu India site now supports OpenId
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] [Announcement] Ubuntu India site now supports OpenId
Balaji Narayanan
- [ubuntu-in] [Announcement] Ubuntu India site now supports OpenId
Balaji Narayanan
- [ubuntu-in] [Announcement] Ubuntu India site now supports OpenId
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] [Announcement] Ubuntu India site now supports OpenId
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] OpenId Discussion
Jayanth S
- [ubuntu-in] [OT] OpenId Discussion
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] OpenId Discussion
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] [OT] OpenId Discussion
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] [OT] OpenId Discussion
Jayanth S
- [ubuntu-in] [OT] OpenId Discussion
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] [OT] OpenId Discussion
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] [OT] OpenId Discussion
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] [OT] OpenId Discussion
Jayanth S
- [ubuntu-in] [Announcement] Ubuntu India site now supports OpenId
Balaji Narayanan
- [ubuntu-in] Big Mystery. (Also need help)
Prateek Sharma
- [ubuntu-in] Big Mystery. (Also need help)
Sanjay Bhangar
- [ubuntu-in] [X-POST] Fwd: [] FOSS.IN/2008: Event Announcement
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Big Mystery. (Also need help)
Vishal Rao
- [ubuntu-in] NetworkManager VPN "Add" button is disabled
Vishal Rao
- [ubuntu-in] intro
kumar jaising
- [ubuntu-in] intro
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] intro
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] intro
Hardeep Singh
- [ubuntu-in] intro
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] NetworkManager VPN "Add" button is disabled
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] TAKES LONG TO BOOT
kumar jaising
- [ubuntu-in] TAKES LONG TO BOOT
kumar jaising
- [ubuntu-in] TAKES LONG TO BOOT
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Firefox 3 in beta version
Rajib Biswas
- [ubuntu-in] Hi, Translation Help
സാദിക്ക് ഖാലിദ് Sadik Khalid
- [ubuntu-in] Firefox 3 in beta version
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] Hi, Translation Help
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Firefox 3 in beta version
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Hi, Translation Help
Shakthi Kannan
- [ubuntu-in] Firefox 3 in beta version
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Big Mystery. (Also need help)
Prateek Sharma
- [ubuntu-in] Firefox 3 in beta version
Rajib Biswas
- [ubuntu-in] to read HLP files
Jinoy Jose
- [ubuntu-in] to read HLP files
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
Gora Mohanty
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
Gora Mohanty
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
Shrikant Jamadagni
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
Shrikant Jamadagni
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
Gora Mohanty
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
Shrikant Jamadagni
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
74yrs old
- [ubuntu-in] Firefox 3 in beta version
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Require Hindi TTF font that is incript layout based
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
Shakthi Kannan
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
Linux Lingam
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] [ANN] Changes to the Ubuntu India Wiki
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
Shakthi Kannan
- [ubuntu-in] [Event] 'No Agenda' Bug Jam this weekeend
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] Synaptic error - what to do ??
ramnarayan.k at
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
- [ubuntu-in] English to Hindi Dictionary and Thesaurus Extension in
ramnarayan.k at
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
Priyadarsan Roy
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
- [ubuntu-in] Synaptic error - what to do ??
Priyadarsan Roy
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
Shakthi Kannan
- [ubuntu-in] Synaptic error - what to do ??
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] [ANN] Changes to the Ubuntu India Wiki
Pratul Kalia
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
Linux Lingam
- [ubuntu-in] sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu
Vishal Rao
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Drupal in ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu, mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Drupal in ubuntu
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] Drupal in ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] Drupal in ubuntu
Gaurish Sharma
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
- [ubuntu-in] Synaptic error - what to do ??
- [ubuntu-in] Synaptic error - what to do ??
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] New User Intro
Nareshkumaran A
- [ubuntu-in] New User Intro
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] New User Intro
- [ubuntu-in] New User Intro
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Need Help - Disaster during some fiddling with partitioning tool -(SOLVED)
- [ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] New User Intro
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
Shakthi Kannan
- [ubuntu-in] New User Intro
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] New User Intro
- [ubuntu-in] New User Intro
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] English to Hindi Dictionary and Thesaurus Extension in
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu, mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
- [ubuntu-in] mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
Kartik Singhal
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu, mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Drupal in ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Drupal in ubuntu
shashank ( shantaram)
- [ubuntu-in] Drupal in ubuntu
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] Drupal in ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu, mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
Gora Mohanty
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu, mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
Jayanth S
- [ubuntu-in] Drupal in ubuntu
Ravi Kumar
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu, mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu, mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Aanjhan! Proud moment for Ubuntu India
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Aanjhan! Proud moment for Ubuntu India
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Aanjhan! Proud moment for Ubuntu India
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu, mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Bug in Prism or firefox in Ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Bug in Prism or firefox in Ubuntu
Pratul Kalia
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Aanjhan! Proud moment for Ubuntu India
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Bug in Prism or firefox in Ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Aanjhan! Proud moment for Ubuntu India
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Aanjhan! Proud moment for Ubuntu India
ம. ஸ்ரீ ராமதாஸ்|Sri Ramadoss M
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Aanjhan! Proud moment for Ubuntu India
Puneeth Chaganti
- [ubuntu-in] Bug in Prism or firefox in Ubuntu
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] My Laptop Wireless is not getting detected
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Developer Week - Sept 1 to Sept 5 2008
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu, mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
Vivek Khurana
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu, mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
Mir Nazim
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu, mallikarjun arjun has invited you to open a Google mail account
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Developer Week - Sept 1 to Sept 5 2008
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Developer Week - Sept 1 to Sept 5 2008
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Developer Week - Sept 1 to Sept 5 2008
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Developer Week - Sept 1 to Sept 5 2008
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Developer Week - Sept 1 to Sept 5 2008
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Developer Week - Sept 1 to Sept 5 2008
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] LCD monitors?
- [ubuntu-in] OT: Fwd: The Info-Activism Camp
- [ubuntu-in] LCD monitors?
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Aanjhan! Proud moment for Ubuntu India
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Developer Week - Sept 1 to Sept 5 2008
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Developer Week - Sept 1 to Sept 5 2008
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
Gaurish Sharma
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
Omshivaprakash H L
- [ubuntu-in] Having linux stuff on syllabus
Omshivaprakash H L
- [ubuntu-in] Gnu/Linux Habba V2 @ Mysore on 21st September
Omshivaprakash H L
- [ubuntu-in] Booting another OS off an usb ped drive using GRUB
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] Booting another OS off an usb ped drive using GRUB
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] Booting another OS off an usb ped drive using GRUB
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] [ANN] OSScamp Delhi, Sept 2008
Pratul Kalia
- [ubuntu-in] Booting another OS off an usb ped drive using GRUB
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
Sanjay Bhangar
- [ubuntu-in] Firefox crash in ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] [Fwd: Ubuntu Merchandise in India]
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Firefox crash in ubuntu
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
Vishal Gaurav
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Firefox crash in ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] [Fwd: Ubuntu Merchandise in India]
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Aanjhan! Proud moment for Ubuntu India
Baishampayan Ghose
- [ubuntu-in] Congratulations to Aanjhan! Proud moment for Ubuntu India
Baishampayan Ghose
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] [Fwd: Ubuntu Merchandise in India]
Shakthi Kannan
- [ubuntu-in] [Fwd: Ubuntu Merchandise in India]
Vishal Rao
- [ubuntu-in] Booting another OS off an usb ped drive using GRUB
Priyadarsan Roy
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
Raseel Bhagat
- [ubuntu-in] Request for kn subdomain for translation of Ubuntu-in web to Kannada
Omshivaprakash H L
- [ubuntu-in] Booting another OS off an usb ped drive using GRUB
Sanjay Bhangar
- [ubuntu-in] Booting another OS off an usb ped drive using GRUB
Mehul Ved
- [ubuntu-in] [Fwd: Ubuntu Merchandise in India]
Sanjay Bhangar
- [ubuntu-in] Request for kn subdomain for translation of Ubuntu-in web to Kannada
74yrs old
- [ubuntu-in] Booting another OS off an usb ped drive using GRUB
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Request for kn subdomain for translation of Ubuntu-in web to Kannada
74yrs old
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] List of new features in Intrepid Ibex
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Hi, I want a represent Ubuntu India at a stall in SRM University Tech Fest.
Aanjhan R
- [ubuntu-in] List of new features in Intrepid Ibex
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] [Fwd: Ubuntu Merchandise in India]
Jayanth S
- [ubuntu-in] Dell with ubuntu
Raseel Bhagat
- [ubuntu-in] Strange Internet Experience on Ubuntu Linux
Ravi Kumar
- [ubuntu-in] Type of distros
Mani A
- [ubuntu-in] Hi, I want a represent Ubuntu India at a stall in SRM University Tech Fest.
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] List of new features in Intrepid Ibex
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Strange Internet Experience on Ubuntu Linux
Vishal Rao
- [ubuntu-in] List of new features in Intrepid Ibex
Vishal Rao
- [ubuntu-in] Strange Internet Experience on Ubuntu Linux
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Hi, I want a represent Ubuntu India at a stall in SRM University Tech Fest.
Parthan SR
- [ubuntu-in] List of new features in Intrepid Ibex
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Type of distros
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Type of distros
Raseel Bhagat
- [ubuntu-in] Type of distros
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Problem with Firefox 3.0.1
ramnarayan.k at
- [ubuntu-in] Searching for some photoslide show software
ramnarayan.k at
- [ubuntu-in] Solution for firefox crashing problem in ubuntu
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Problem with Firefox 3.0.1
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] This application works with MSIE5.5 and Above
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Searching for some photoslide show software
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] This application works with MSIE5.5 and Above
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] This application works with MSIE5.5 and Above
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Searching for some photoslide show software
- [ubuntu-in] Searching for some photoslide show software
Onkar Shinde
- [ubuntu-in] Problem with Firefox 3.0.1
- [ubuntu-in] Problem with Firefox 3.0.1
Vishal Rao
- [ubuntu-in] Searching for some photoslide show software
- [ubuntu-in] Searching for some photoslide show software
- [ubuntu-in] Booting another OS off an usb ped drive using GRUB
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] Dell and ubuntu!
Biswajit Dutta Baruah
- [ubuntu-in] This application works with MSIE5.5 and Above
Fabian Enos
- [ubuntu-in] Dell and ubuntu!
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] This application works with MSIE5.5 and Above
mallikarjun arjun
- [ubuntu-in] Searching for some photoslide show software
- [ubuntu-in] Searching for some more software
ramnarayan.k at
- [ubuntu-in] Dell and ubuntu!
Gourav Shah
- [ubuntu-in] Searching for some photoslide show software
Gourav Shah
- [ubuntu-in] Type of distros
Raseel Bhagat
- [ubuntu-in] Searching for some photoslide show software
- [ubuntu-in] Introduction
Amit Sarda
- [ubuntu-in] Introduction
- [ubuntu-in] Dell and ubuntu!
Raseel Bhagat
Last message date:
Sun Aug 31 20:32:14 BST 2008
Archived on: Sun Aug 31 20:32:17 BST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).