[ubuntu-in] Type of distros

Raseel Bhagat raseelbhagat at gmail.com
Sun Aug 31 19:02:30 BST 2008

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 3:09 PM, mallikarjun arjun <mallik.v.arjun at gmail.com
> wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Raseel Bhagat <raseelbhagat at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 12:52 PM, Onkar Shinde <onkarshinde at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 3:52 AM, Mani A <a.mani.cms at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > About 10 distros have this type of features by default !
>>> >
>>> ><SNIP>
>>> >
>>> > http://groups.google.com/group/kiwilinux/web/kiwi-8-08-release-notes
>>> I am sure in your life time you will see 50 such more distros. It is
>>> easy to take one distro, remaster it to include certain packages and
>>> release your own. It is hard to maintain it.
>>> It is also hard for some people to understand why some packages are
>>> not included by default. They simply ignore whatever patent,
>>> redistribution problems these packages have and then claim that they
>>> provide full multimedia experience.
>>> It is like overspeeding on road, breaking all the signals and then
>>> claiming that you can reach certain distance in half the time compared
>>> to others.
>> I will admit thats a fair and to some extent a correct assessment.
>> But I hope I keep seeing more Distros. It's this freedom of creating
>> Distros as an off-shoot of some primary Distro that has gives us the likes
>> of PCLinux OS, Ubuntu, etc.
>> The more people fork out, the better are the chances that another "Ubuntu"
>> will emerge from it.
>> Thanks,
>> Raseel
>> http://raseel.in/techblog
> I dint like last line which i marked red. Say GNU/Linux captured 50% of the
> desktop market in 10 years. Then MS will say we are the leading desktop
> operating system providers of the world because there will be only one
> operating system at a time in market say windows XP or Vista or windows7 wat
> eva. We cant say that bcoz Ubuntu -20%, suse 15%, fedora 14% etc( please
> ignore these figures), The whole concept of distros is bad.
> If all the ppl in the world who are interested in GNU/Linux develop a
> single OS named  wat eve. Imagine the output (I am out of imaganation.)

The whole concept of free software is to that ppl can fork out and the best
software gets most followers.
Isn't it obvious from your own theory that if everyone HAD decided to work
on only one Linux,  we would not  be having this conversation in the first
place. We would be using one of the Distros mention in the following  link :

Same goes for other open source software like browsers, IMs, etc.

Forking and making it better is the best thing that open source software has
to offer.

So what if there are 200 forks for an IM, if it does not have better
stability, better security , better usability, better <Enter any other "ity"
here>, no one will use it.
On the other hand, if someone has better ideas for an application, he should
not have to re-invent the wheel, but just use the part which he thinks is

I personally started my Linux journey with SuSE 6.0. then Red Hat 9.0 , then
Fedora and today am an ardent Ubuntu fan.

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