[ubuntu-in] [ANN] Changes to the Ubuntu India Wiki

Aanjhan R aanjhan at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 06:58:10 BST 2008

Hello Everybody,

Hope you guys had a rocking week and are gearing up for a fantabulous
weekend. Last week we have been clearing up several outdated wiki
pages on wiki.ubuntu.com and came across a page which contained
"IndianTeam/Structure". This page had some details on how the Indian
community will be managed, different hierarchies like the existence of
a Community Council and other stuff.

Having found that the structure was too hierarchical, outdated and
mostly unsuccessful, we had a discussion with the persons involved
when this structure was put up (around 3 years ago).

We are now pleased to inform that this "Structure" is no longer valid
and Ubuntu India will be operating as a "Shared Responsibility"
community with the responsibilities of several people listed in the
http://ubuntu-in.info/wiki/index.php/Teammembers wiki page. The old
structure page has been deleted.

Thanks to Parthan, Pratul Kalia, Onkarshinde and other folks on IRC,
we have come up with a "Contribute"[1] wiki page containing the list
of pending tasks. This we believe would act as a starting point for
Contribution to the community.

Feel free to take up a task or add new wishlists. The page still has
to be worked upon to generate more "specific" to do items.

[1] http://ubuntu-in.info/wiki/index.php/Pick_your_bit

Have a blast this weekend.

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