[ubuntu-in] NetworkManager VPN "Add" button is disabled

Vishal Rao vishalrao at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 17:54:14 BST 2008


I'm trying out Intrepid Alpha 4 under VMWare 1.0.5 Server on WinXP
with NAT networking option.

I noticed NetworkManager (0.7?) has a "VPN" option but the "Add"
button is disabled.

I've installed the openvpn, vpnc, network-manager-openvpn,
network-manager-vpnc[-gnome] packages.
Trying to install network-manager-pptp gives a package error/conflict
asking to uninstall network-manager and network-manager-gnome :-)

How can I enable the VPN configuration so I can test it out?

- Vishal

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