[ubuntu-in] Fwd: Ubuntu Global Bug Jam Aug 8 -10 2008

Aanjhan R aanjhan at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 18:03:08 BST 2008

If you have already read this mail in ILUGC and IITM lists, kindly ignore.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aanjhan R <aanjhan at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 8:35 PM
Subject: Ubuntu Global Bug Jam Aug 8 -10 2008
To: ILUG-C <ilugc at ae.iitm.ac.in>, LUG-IITM <linuxusers_iitm at googlegroups.com>


You must have heard on the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam by now. If not read
it here NOW -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam
It would be great if a few of the interested folks in Chennai can get
together at some place with Internet connectivity and start squashing
bugs jointly. Anybody game? If so please reply to this thread. We will
get a venue (if you have a proposal/agree to host for the same, most
welcome). Its not necessary that we end up being there all the three
days, we can fix a convenient time and get together.

In fact we have our LUG meet too this week IIRC. May be after the LUG
meet we can head to some place and start squashing bugs. If nothing
works out, I have wireless at my place and a big covered terrace where
I can host a few people with Coffee and biscuuuts ;).

Also there is a quick intro session tomorrow at #ubuntu-bugs @
irc.freenode.net from 2130 hrs IST for general questions about the
Global Bug Jam. Be there!!!

Lets squash bugs


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