[ubuntu-in] [Fwd: Ubuntu Merchandise in India]

Parthan SR parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 18:47:08 BST 2008

Aanjhan R wrote:
> The below mail was sent to the admins list. If someone could give some
> pointers on getting Ubuntu merchandise in india, it will be great. I am
> not sure whether the OP is in the list so CCing him as well.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	Ubuntu Merchandise in India
> Date: 	Fri, 29 Aug 2008 14:45:56 +0530
> From: 	Bamdev Mishra <bamdev_mishra at iitb.ac.in>
> To: 	admins at ubuntu-in.info
> Dear sir,
> I am a student at IITBombay and a great fan of Ubuntu and have been
> using Ubuntu for a long time now.
> I would like to buy some Ubuntu merchandise. I shall be grateful if you
> could suggest ways to buy them in India only.
> regards,
> Bamdev Mishra
If you are meaning the Official Ubuntu Merchandise sold through 
https://shop.canonical.com/ then am afraid nobody in India sells them. 
It is done through https://shop.canonical.com/ and is sent through the 
same process that all online merchandise systems work. IMO nobody else 
than Canonical are allowed to sell Official Ubuntu Merchandise anywhere, 
as the merchandise is not from the community but the company supporting 
the project. I agree that my knowledge is limited, so if you can prove 
otherwise I would be eager to know the details :)

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"
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