[ubuntu-in] how do i auto-start firestarter for users in ubuntu feisty?

Linux Lingam linuxlingam at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 06:37:26 BST 2008

dear all,

used to do this with all my distros ever since i discovered
firestarter several years ago. wonder why it's not working with

problem: want to auto-start firestarter, the firewall GUI, each time
any user logs-in to my feisty, without their having to know or share
the admin password, and without having to give them root privileges.

googled and tried the steps mentioned here, but they did not work:

"How can I get Firestarter to load automatically when I log in as a
regular user?"

yes, used visudo, and checked /etc/sudoers separately too.

googled further, discovered another user had faced this problem two
years ago, but no solution published here:

i usually jot down how i got tricky things running, but can't find it
in my old notes either.

please help.

thanks in advance.

niyam bhushan
niyam bhushan

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