December 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Dec 1 13:24:26 GMT 2009
Ending: Thu Dec 31 11:30:42 GMT 2009
Messages: 152
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- New in Kubuntu-Devel
César Muñoz A.
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Nathan Bailey
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Nathan Bailey
- Project timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence
Nathan Bailey
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Yiannis Belias
- Kubuntu alpha, holiday edition
Yiannis Belias
- Kubuntu alpha, holiday edition
Yiannis Belias
- malloc_check problems
Bruno Bigras
- kubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 60, Issue 25
Craig Brashear
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Andrea Canidio
- kubuntu performance
Kwan Chan
- kubuntu performance
Kwan Chan
- kubuntu performance
Kwan Chan
- Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
Kwan Chan
- Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
Kwan Chan
- lucid-netbook-i386.iso
Kwan Chan
- Audio stops working
Kwan Chan
- Audio stops working
Kwan Chan
- Audio stops working
Kwan Chan
- Audio stops working
Kwan Chan
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Dotan Cohen
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Carlos Diener
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Darkwing Duck
- Kubuntu Meeting.
Darkwing Duck
- lucid-netbook-i386.iso
Darkwing Duck
- Audio stops working
Go Eller
- Audio stops working
Go Eller
- Android apps on Eclipse
David Ex
- kubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 60, Issue 6
David Ex
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Tres Finocchiaro
- lucid-netbook-i386.iso
Tres Finocchiaro
- Audio stops working
Tres Finocchiaro
- Shaman, Debian, APT, Kubuntu, and stuff
Dario Freddi
- Audio stops working
Ike Garcia
- Kubuntu-Member applicaiton
Roderick B. Greening
- lucid-netbook-i386.iso
Roderick B. Greening
- Welcome Documentation Proposal
Roderick B. Greening
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Aurélien Gâteau
- Kubuntu-Member applicaiton
Nathan Handler
- Kubuntu Meeting.
Zhengpeng Hou
- Android apps on Eclipse
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
- question about SSH sessions timing out on Kubuntu Netbook
- question about SSH sessions timing out on Kubuntu Netbook
- kdeedu package fixes for Lucid
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
- Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
- kubuntu and plymouth
- Doodle scheduler for next kubuntu meeting
- Welcome Documentation Proposal
- THoughts on running KDE SC 4.4 Beta on my Dell Latitude 5300
- Kubuntu-Member applicaiton
Jonathan Jesse
- Kubuntu-Member applicaiton
Jonathan Jesse
- Kubuntu-Member applicaiton
Jonathan Jesse
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Jonathan Jesse
- question about SSH sessions timing out on Kubuntu Netbook
Jonathan Jesse
- Welcome Documentation Proposal
Jonathan Jesse
- THoughts on running KDE SC 4.4 Beta on my Dell Latitude 5300
Jonathan Jesse
- THoughts on running KDE SC 4.4 Beta on my Dell Latitude 5300
Jonathan Jesse
- THoughts on running KDE SC 4.4 Beta on my Dell Latitude 5300
Jonathan Jesse
- wpa and broadcom card
Jonathan Jesse
- interesting about launchpad and kubuntu-members team
Jonathan Jesse
- Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
Serhiy Kachaniuk
- kubuntu performance
Jussi Kekkonen
- kubuntu performance
Jussi Kekkonen
- Wish for Lucid: new package
Kristóf Kiszel
- Kubuntu-Member applicaiton
Scott Kitterman
- question about SSH sessions timing out on Kubuntu Netbook
Scott Kitterman
- Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
Scott Kitterman
- Application for per-package upload rights for digikam/kipi-plugins
Scott Kitterman
- THoughts on running KDE SC 4.4 Beta on my Dell Latitude 5300
Scott Kitterman
- New Kubuntu Developer (kubuntu-dev): Luka Renko (Lure)
Scott Kitterman
- New Kubuntu Developer (kubuntu-dev): Luka Renko (Lure)
Scott Kitterman
- Audio stops working
Ofir Klinger
- Audio stops working
Ofir Klinger
- Audio stops working
Ofir Klinger
- Audio stops working
Ofir Klinger
- Audio stops working
Ofir Klinger
- Audio stops working
Ofir Klinger
- Audio stops working
Ofir Klinger
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Yuriy Kozlov
- Kubuntu alpha, holiday edition
Sebastian Kügler
- kubuntu performance
Fabio Locati
- Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
Christian Mangold
- kubuntu and plymouth
Giovanni Masucci
- kubuntu and plymouth
Giovanni Masucci
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Mackenzie Morgan
- Doodle scheduler for next kubuntu meeting
Mackenzie Morgan
- interesting about launchpad and kubuntu-members team
Mackenzie Morgan
- Audio stops working
Jonas Norlander
- kubuntu performance
Pan, Shi Zhu
- Kubuntu-Member applicaiton
Celeste Lyn Paul
- Doodle scheduler for next kubuntu meeting
Celeste Lyn Paul
- Doodle scheduler for next kubuntu meeting
Celeste Lyn Paul
- Application for per-package upload rights for digikam/kipi-plugins
Luka Renko
- Application for per-package upload rights for digikam/kipi-plugins
Luka Renko
- [Blueprint kubuntu-lucid-development] Kubuntu Lucid Development
Jonathan Riddell
- [Blueprint kubuntu-lucid-website-marketing-branding] Kubuntu Lucid Website, Marking and Branding
Jonathan Riddell
- [Blueprint kubuntu-lucid-website-marketing-branding] Kubuntu Lucid Website, Marking and Branding
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-devel] Timelord
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-devel] Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-devel] Kubuntu Meeting.
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-devel] Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-devel] Re: Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
Jonathan Riddell
- kubuntu meeting moved to #kubuntu-devel on OFTC
Jonathan Riddell
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
A. Rothman
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Divan Santana
- Kubuntu-Member applicaiton
Jussi Schultink
- Doodle scheduler for next kubuntu meeting
Jussi Schultink
- Doodle scheduler for next kubuntu meeting
Jussi Schultink
- Kubuntu Meeting.
Jussi Schultink
- Kubuntu Meeting.
Jussi Schultink
- Kubuntu Meeting.
Jussi Schultink
- Fwd: Summary of the the discussions on documentation translation at UDS
Myriam Schweingruber
- malloc_check problems
Myriam Schweingruber
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Wesley Schwengle
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Harald Sitter
- kubuntu performance
Harald Sitter
- kubuntu performance
Harald Sitter
- Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
Harald Sitter
- Kubuntu Meeting.
Harald Sitter
- Application for per-package upload rights for digikam/kipi-plugins
Harald Sitter
- Fwd: Michal Zajac (Quintasan) is now a MOTU
Harald Sitter
- Vacation!
Harald Sitter
- It's finished just as you asked
Harald Sitter
- question about SSH sessions timing out on Kubuntu Netbook
Steve Stalcup
- It's finished just as you asked
Steve Stalcup
- It's finished just as you asked
Steve Stalcup
- I would like the councils to vote on my membership
Steve Stalcup
- Welcome Documentation Proposal
Jonathan Thomas
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Clay Weber
- Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
Clay Weber
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
Jeremy Wilkins
- Wish for Lucid: new package
Jeremy Wilkins
- Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
Michał Zając
- Doodle scheduler for next kubuntu meeting
Michał Zając
- lucid-netbook-i386.iso
chuck adams
- Audio stops working
john e
- Audio stops working
john e
- Audio stops working
michal.zajac at
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
pan shizhu
- Q: Why does Kubuntu exist?
pan shizhu
- [kubuntu-devel] Re: Updates, upgrades, and PPA's, oh my....
pan shizhu
- Fwd: Automatic crash report generated by DrKonqi for .
- Fwd: Automatic crash report generated by DrKonqi for .
- Automatic crash report generated by DrKonqi for .
Last message date:
Thu Dec 31 11:30:42 GMT 2009
Archived on: Thu Mar 18 10:25:17 GMT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).